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The Fire Ecology journal now on JCR

August 22nd, 2014 Leave a comment Go to comments

The journal Fire Ecology (FE) has now been included in the Journal Citation Reports database (2013 JCR Edition, ISI) and thus, it has an Impact Factor. The 2013 impact factor is 1.156 which suggests that it is still a very minor ecology journal (ranking: 28/64 in Forestry and 104/140 in Ecology) but given that it is of open access, it has some potential for increasing success. For comparison, the International Journal of Wildland Fire, which is a more multidisciplinary journal for fire science has an IF= 2.506 (ranking = 5/64 in Forestry); other classical ecology journals have a much higher impact factor (e.g., Journal of Ecology: 5.69, Ecology: 5.00, Oikos: 3.56, Oecologia: 3.25). The FE journal is still very USA-oriented, and a strong internationalization would be needed. The last issue of the journal is also available at ISSUU, so it can be read it from Android systems. I must admit I have never published or submitted any paper to this journal (see details). Good luck to the FE in this new period!


Journal archive in the web site of the Fire Ecology journal [link]

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