Generalized fire strategies in plants and animals (2)
Our paper “Generalized fire response strategies in plants and animals” is the Editor’s Choice of the last Oikos issue (128:2, February 2019).
In addition, one of my pictures has been selected for the cover!
Thanks @Oikos_Journal
Description of the image: Charaxes jasius taken in the middle of a burnt area (colonizing) 10 days after the wildfire that burned with very high intensity in Òdena, Barcelona, NE Spain (August 2015). Photo: JG Pausas
- Pausas J.G. 2019. Generalized fire response strategies in plants and animals. Oikos 128: 147-153 [doi | wiley | pdf]
- Oikos blog: Towards a common fire strategy scheme for plants and animals
- jgpausas blog: Generalized fire strategies in plants and animals
Other journal covers using my pictures
Trends in Plant Science 22 (13) Journal of Ecology 105 (2)