
November 23rd, 2022

Blog dedicated to news and personal comments, most of them on fire ecology, or more broadly, ecology in fire-prone ecosystems, but other topics and opinions are also be included. This blog is a complement to my web page, my Twitter and my Mastodon account. 


  • Fire: topics on ecology and management of wildland fires (wildfires, forest fires). Mostly in English.
  • General: general comments on ecology, conservation, biodiversity, …  Mostly in English.
  • Opinion:  comments and opinions on different topics, including socio-political opinions, etc… Mostly in Spanish.

Key words: plant ecology, fire ecology, mediterranean ecosystems, savannas, regeneration ecology, cork oak, Quercus suber, wildfires, forest fires, vegetation fires, seeders, resprouters, plant traits, …

Palabras clave: ecología del fuego, ecosistemas mediterráneos, sabanas, ecología de la regeneración, alcornoque, incendios forestales, germinadoras, rebrotadoras, rasgos biológicos, …


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