
Archive for January, 2023

Lizards hear wildfires

January 9th, 2023 No comments

In 2021 we described that some lizards can detect wildfires by smelling the smoke, and in this way they can react quickly, e.g., by moving to a safe place [1]. Specifically we performed that study with the mediterranean lizard Psammodromus algirus, from eastern Spain. In a recent paper, we suggest that some lizards are able to recognise wildfires by their sound! [2]. This study was performed with another mediterranean lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis (western fence lizard), from southern California.

Western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), from southern California.. Photo: L. Álvarez-Ruiz


[1] Álvarez-Ruiz L, Belliure J, Pausas JG. 2021. Fire-driven behavioral response to smoke in a Mediterranean lizard. Behavioral Ecology 32: 662–667. [doi | oup | data:dryadpdf] – blog

[2] Álvarez-Ruiz L, Pausas JG, Blumstein DT, Putmanb BJ. 2023. Lizards’ response to the sound of fire is modified by fire history. Animal Behaviour 196: 91–102. [doi | sciencedirect | pdf]

More on: fire & lizards  and  fire & fauna