
Posts Tagged ‘Mediterranean’

Juniperus oxycedrus

December 20th, 2024 No comments

The Juniperus group oxycedrus consists of needle-leaved junipers with red cones found across the Mediterranean Basin (South Europe and North Africa), including the Macaronesian islands. This group includes the following taxa:

  • J. oxycedrus spp. oxycedrus, common in shrublands of the western Mediterranean Basin (e.g., coastal mountains of the eastern of Iberia)
  • J. oxycedrus spp. badia, in shrublands and woodlands of Iberia (mainly in the central and western part) and Northern Africa
  • J. macrocarpa, on sandy coastal ecosystems around the Mediterranean Basin
  • J. cedrus, J. maderensis in Canary Is. and Madeira Is. (Macaronesian needle-leaved junipers)

A recent study using phylogenomics [1] suggests that:

  • There are different taxa within what we call J. oxycedrus ssp. macrocarpa, probably there is an Eastern Mediterranean clade and a Western Mediterranean clade. This require further research.
  • J. oxycedrus spp. oxycedrus and J. oxycedrus ssp. badia are not sister taxa; badia diverged from oxycedrus about 7 Ma (Fig. 1). Morphologically they are quite similar, with a tendency for badia to have larger leaves and cones. 
  • J. maderensis and J. cedrus are within the clade of J. oxycedrus and thus are better-considered subspecies (Fig. 1). If considered as species, then the other taxa should also be considered at the species level (J. oxycedrus, J. badia; as proposed in [1]).
  • Macaronesian junipers are closer to badia than to the other taxa; they diverged from badia ca. 5.6 Ma
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic relationships between the taxa related to Juniperus oxycedrus. Axis is in millions of years. EM and WM refer to the eastern and western Mediterranean basin. Based on [1].


[1] Gutiérrez-Larruscain D, Vargas P, Fernández-Mazuecos M, Pausas JG. 2024. Phylogenomic analysis reveals the evolutionary history of Paleartic needle-leaved junipers. Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 199:108162 [doi | pdf]

Seed dormancy release and summer temperatures

February 18th, 2024 No comments

In Mediterranean ecosystems, fire breaks the dormancy in many species and stimulates germination in the postfire environment [1]. Both the smoke and the heat of the fire may be responsible for breaking dormancy [1]. Cistaceae species are typical examples of species with this heat-released dormancy [1, 2], together with many legumes. Despite fire is a much more powerful driver of dormancy release than the summer heat (figure 9 in [1] and figure 2 in [2]), there are still people aiming to demonstrate the role of summer temperatures in dormancy release in Cistaceae. A recent research team studied the germination of 12 Cistacea species and compared the effect of fire-type heat in seeds submitted to a summer heat treatment (50/20o C for a month) and in seeds without this summer treatment [3]. They concluded that high summer temperatures are needed for maximum germination in the presence of fire [3]. A reanalysis of their data suggests that not only are summer temperatures inefficient at releasing dormancy, but they also reduce postfire germination [4]. The applied summer heat treatment reduced the germination (%) in the control (H-) and in all fire treatments, and for all species (Fig. 1 below). And for the seeds that germinate, those under summer heat tended to germinate slower than those that did not suffer the summer heat (Fig. 2 below). In conclusion, fire increases the germination of Cistaceae seeds in contrast to summer-type heat, i.e., the great fitness benefits of fire are unmatched by the summer heat [4].

Fig. 1. Germination with no summer heat (x-axis; ~ 20o C for a month) and with summer heat (y-axis, 50/20o C altering for 12 h, and during a month) in 12 Cistaceae species with different fire treatments. All fire heat treatments were 100o C for 10 min applied as follows: H-, no fire heat (black); HB, fire heat before summer (green); HA, fire heat treatment after summer (red); HBA, fire heat before and after the summer (unrealistic scenario; blue). The results suggest that applying a strong summer heat treatment (52/20o C for a month) reduces the germination (%) in the control (H-) and in all fire treatments and for all species. From [4].

Fig. 2. Number of days to the first germination (T0, left) and to reach 50% of the final germination (T50, right) with no summer heat (x-axis, control) and with summer heat (y-axis, treatment), and with different fire treatments (colors; see figure above) for 12 Cistacea species (12 points for each color). The results suggest that summer heat, if any, tends to increase the time to germination.


[1] Pausas J.G. & Lamont B.B. 2022. Fire-released seed dormancy – a global synthesis. Biological Reviews 97: 1612-1639.  [doi | pdf | supp. mat. | data (figshare)]

[2] Moreira B. & Pausas J.G. 2012. Tanned or burned: The role of fire in shaping physical seed dormancy. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51523. [doi | plos | pdf]

[3] Luna B, Piñas-Bonilla P, Zavala G, Pérez B. 2023. Timing of fire during summer determines seed germination in Mediterranean Cistaceae. Fire Ecology 19: 52.

[4] Lamont BB, Burrows GR, Pausas JG 2024. Fire-type heat increases the germination of Cistaceae seeds in contrast to summer heat. Fire Ecology 20:14 [doi | pdf]

More on seed dormancy: A review | a glossary | bet-hedging & best-bet | smoke-released dormancy 

Millán Millán (1941-2024)

January 13th, 2024 No comments

Millán Millán Muñoz (Granada 1941 – Valencia 2024), físico atmosférico por la Universidad de Toronto e ingeniero industrial por la Universidad del País Vasco. Durante su tiempo en Canadá desarrolló diversos instrumentos para detectar metales, contaminantes y plumas de volcanes, que aun se utilizan actualmente. También trabajó en la dispersión de contaminantes, tanto en Canadá como en España. En España fue el director, y alma mater, de la Fundación CEAM (Valencia, 1991-2012), donde realizó estudios muy novedosos y de gran calado para entender la dinámica atmosférica en la cuenca Mediterránea. Se enfocó en entender esa dinámica y su relación con la meteorología, la dispersión de contaminantes, la calidad del aire, el cambio climático y el ciclo del agua. En este marco, una de sus aportaciones importantes fue demostrar científicamente que las pérdidas de tormentas en la costa Mediterránea eran debidas a la urbanización y destrucción de los ecosistemas de la costa; es decir, la causa de las pérdidas de tormentas no es directamente el cambio climático sino al mal uso del territorio. Llegó a cuantificar la cantidad de lluvia anual que hemos perdido en la costa valenciana por el mal uso del territorio.

Persona extremadamente lista, con gran intuición y capacidad para entender procesos; era muy crítico con los estudios tradicionales basados en correlaciones o en modelos de grano grueso (la mayoría). Era sincero, y decía las cosas que pensaba sin demasiadas formalidades, aunque no fueran las cosas que a la gente le gustaba oír; esto le generó algunas enemistades. Él mismo se definía como “granaíno malafolla”, pero en el fondo, era muy buena persona y con muy buen sentido del humor. Quizá por su carácter y sinceridad ha sido frecuentemente infravalorado.

Falleció ayer 12 de enero. Nos ha dejado un legado muy importante que aun tenemos que asimilar del todo. Encontraremos a faltar su sabiduría. Que descanse en paz.

Millán Millán. Origen de las fotos, arriba: Mónica Torres ( 2011, JG Pausas 2017 (Mijares); abajo: EPDA 2019 (izquierda y centro) y Las Provincias 2024.

Más información:

Millán en Wikipedia | Entrevistas: 2011 (pdf),  2017,  2019 | Charla 2023 (video) 

Millan Millan and the Mystery of the Missing Mediterranean Storms (2023)

Millán, M.M. 2014. Extreme hydrometeorological events and climate change predictions in Europe. Journal of Hydrology 518, Part B, 206–224. | doi

Pausas, J.G. & Millán, M.M. 2019. Greening and browning in a climate change hotspot: the Mediterranean Basin. BioScience 69, 143–151.  doi | oup | blog | pdf 

POSTDIV: Postfire biodiversity database

December 10th, 2023 No comments

In the summer of 2012, two wildfires affected Mediterranean ecosystems in the eastern Iberian Peninsula, the Andilla fire and the Cortes fire [1]. The size of these fires (> 20,000 ha each) was at the extreme of the historical variability (megafires sensus [2]). In 2013, we set up 12 plots per fire, covering burned vegetation at different distances from the fire perimeter and unburned vegetation. In each plot, we followed the postfire recovery of arthropods, reptiles (including their ectoparasites), and plants for 2 to 5 years. Here we present the resulting database (POSTDIV) of taxon occurrence and abundance in the burned and unburned areas [3]. Currently, POSTDIV totals 19,906 records for 457 arthropod taxa (113,681 individuals), 12 reptile taxa (503 individuals), 4 reptile parasites (234 individuals), and 518 plant taxa (cover-abundance). We provide examples in the R language to query the database.

Wildfires 2012
The two wildfires occurred simultaneously in Valencia during the 2012 summer (photo: 30 Junio 2012).
POSTDIV database structure. The database is composed of six data tables (blue boxes). For more details, see [3].


[1] Pausas J.G. 2012. Life 15 days after the large fires in Valencia.

[2] Pausas J.G. & Keeley J.E. 2021. Wildfires and global change. Front. Ecol. Environ. 19: 387-395. [doi | wiley | pdf]

[3] Pausas et al. 2023. Postfire biodiversity database for eastern Iberia. Sci Data 10:872 [doi | pdf | pdf | data: figshare

Conferencia: Incendios y biodiversidad

September 17th, 2023 No comments

El día 16 de septiembre de 2023 impartí una conferencia titulada ‘Incendios forestales y biodiversidad’ en la sede de Ecologistas en Acción (Madrid). Aquí está disponible (incluye la sesión de preguntas al final).

Lizards hear wildfires

January 9th, 2023 No comments

In 2021 we described that some lizards can detect wildfires by smelling the smoke, and in this way they can react quickly, e.g., by moving to a safe place [1]. Specifically we performed that study with the mediterranean lizard Psammodromus algirus, from eastern Spain. In a recent paper, we suggest that some lizards are able to recognise wildfires by their sound! [2]. This study was performed with another mediterranean lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis (western fence lizard), from southern California.

Western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), from southern California.. Photo: L. Álvarez-Ruiz


[1] Álvarez-Ruiz L, Belliure J, Pausas JG. 2021. Fire-driven behavioral response to smoke in a Mediterranean lizard. Behavioral Ecology 32: 662–667. [doi | oup | data:dryadpdf] – blog

[2] Álvarez-Ruiz L, Pausas JG, Blumstein DT, Putmanb BJ. 2023. Lizards’ response to the sound of fire is modified by fire history. Animal Behaviour 196: 91–102. [doi | sciencedirect | pdf]

More on: fire & lizards  and  fire & fauna

Fire increases precocity in pines

December 24th, 2022 No comments

Fires are a natural disturbance in many ecosystems. Consequently, plant species have acquired traits that allow them to resist and regenerate in an environment with recurrent fires [1]. A key trait in fire-prone ecosystems is the age at first reproduction (maturity age); populations of non-resprouting species cannot persist when the fire interval is shorter than this age. Maturity age is variable among individuals (Fig. 1), so we hypothesized that short fire intervals select for early seed production (precocity) [2]. We evaluated the age at first reproduction in Pinus halepensis (a non-resprouting serotinous pine species) in eastern Iberia (Fig. 2, for a difficult example; [2]). Our results show (Fig. 3) a selection towards higher precocity in populations subject to higher fire frequency (shorter fire intervals). Due to this higher precocity, pines stored more cones and therefore, increased their potential for reproduction post-fire. We provide the first field evidence that fire can act as a driver of precocity. Being precocious in fire-prone environments is adaptive because it increases the probability of having a significant seed bank when the next fire arrives.

Fig. 1. A 12-year-old trees that is immature (A) and another of the same age that started reproduction at 9 years old (B; the zoom shows pine cones of the different yearly cohorts). Pinus halepensis, from [2]
Fig. 2. Mediterranean pines may produce more than one whorl per year. The pictures show an upper branch (A), the upper part of the trunk (B), and the lower part of the trunk (C) of Pinus halepensis. Blue arrows indicate the first whorl of a growing season (starting from the bottom); red arrows, the second whorl of the same year; and green arrows a third whorl. Note that the second and third whorls normally have fewer and thinner branches per whorl and/or are close to the other whorls from the same growing season. From [2]
Fig. 3: Probability of reaching sexual maturity (precocity) against the age (in years) of the tree (Pinus halepensis) for areas with high frequency of crown fires (in red, upper line) and areas with low frequency of crown fires (in blue; lower lines). From [2].


[1] Keeley JE & Pausas JG. 2022. Evolutionary ecology of fire. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 53: 203-225. [doi |eprint | pdf]

[2] Guiote C & Pausas JG. 2023. Fire favors sexual precocity in a Mediterranean pine. Oikos [doi | pdf]

Fire response of Bonelli’s eagle

September 30th, 2022 No comments

There is still little information on the response of many animals to fire [1, 2], and this limited knowledge is even more important for large predators (e.g. raptors) as their behavior in relation to fire are not easy to observe. We studied the fire response to a Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) thanks to a serendipity event: a wildfire (Artana fire; eastern Spain) occurred in an area where friends of mine had an eagle being tracked by a GPS/GMS [3]. This allowed us to follow their behavior during the fire, compare it with both before and after the fire (during two years), and with other neighbor eagles that were also being tracked [3].

The results suggest that despite the fire affected most of the eagle’s core home-range, including the nest site, its activity was hardly affected by the fire. During the fire, the eagle moved away from the fire but did not leave its home-range; she was back to the center of the home-range when the fire was still burning (at low intensity). The minor movements during the fire were probably due to the smoke or/and to the firefighters activity (which include planes). And during the two following years, the behavior of the eagle was similar the behavior when the landscape was not burned. This suggest that the eagles prey (rabbits, pigeons, small mammals) were also little affected by the fire.

An animations of the movements of the eagle in relation to the home-range and the burned area is available here.  

Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) feeding in the Artana burned area (eastern Spain). Photo: Pascual López


[1] Pausas J.G., Parr C.L. 2018. Towards an understanding of the evolutionary role of fire in animals. Evol. Ecol. 32: 113–125. [doi | pdf]

[2] Pausas J.G. 2019. Generalized fire response strategies in plants and animals. Oikos 128: 147-153 [doi | pdf | blog1 blog2 blog3 | cover image]

[3] Morollón S. Pausas J.G., Urios V., López-López P. 2022. Wildfire response of GPS-tracked Bonelli’s eagles in eastern Spain. Int. J. Wildland Fire 31: 901-908 [ doi | ijwf | pdf | animation]

Incendis forestals: carta al poble valencià

September 10th, 2022 No comments

Este text el vaig escriure a l’agost, de vacances, quan encara estaven cremant els incendis de Vall d’Ebo i Bejis, i se va publicar al diari Levante-ENV el dia 9 de septembre de 2022

Enguany els incendis forestals han cremat de nou una part important de les nostres muntanyes. Al menys de moment, no ha sigut tant greu com el fatídic 1994, ni com el 2012, però suficient per a commoure a part de la societat valenciana, i en especial a les persones que viuen a la Marina Alta, l’Alto Palancia, i comarques veïnes. La vegetació mediterrània se regenerarà de la mateixa manera que ho ha fet les altres vegades, els agricultors afectats patiran un nova crisi existencial, i l’estructura del paisatge quedarà marcada durant unes quantes dècades. Els efectes concrets sobre la biodiversitat s’hauran d’estudiar amb detall.

La primera reacció ha sigut la de buscar culpables, sovint de manera simplista. El problema dels grans incendis és complexe, i no té un únic determinant. Els grans incendis es produeixen quan coincideixen una sèrie de factors: ignicions (antròpiques o llamps) en una zona amb vegetació contínua i fàcilment inflamable, en una època seca (estiu), i en condicions meteorològiques adverses (ones de calor, fort vent). Cap d’estos factors per si sols genera grans incendis; és la simultaneïtat d’aquests factors la que fa que els incendis siguen grans i intensos (megaincendis).

Gran part de la nostra vegetació natural és inflamable (per exemple els matollars i boscos mediterranis de pi blanc) i cada any tenim una estació càlida i seca (estiu), per tant vivim en una zona naturalment propensa a incendis. A més, al nostre territori plou suficient com per a tenir vegetació densa i contínua. En el passat (durant gran part del segle XX), la vegetació no era tan densa i estava bastant fragmentada perquè teníem un paisatge rural, amb moltes zones dedicades a l’agricultura i pastures (a voltes sobrepasturades), que alternaven amb boscos on se feia llenya. En estes condicions els incendis eren xicotets i fàcils d’apagar. La industrialització va fer que el món rural s’anés abandonant, i el que eren camps de cultius i pastures s’han anat colonitzant de vegetació típica de les primeres etapes de successió. Aquesta colonització de camps abandonats, junt amb les grans plantacions forestals (no gestionades apropiadament), ha fet que augmenti molt la continuïtat de la vegetació. Per tant, quan hi ha un incendi, se propaga molt més fàcilment i se poden generar incendis molt extensos. L’abandonament rural no és una cosa d’ara, és producte de les polítiques fetes durant les darreres dècades en que no s’ha fet cap esforç per conservar el nostre món rural mentre s’estimulaven (econòmicament) els centres urbans i el turisme. Ara, aquest abandonament del món rural és difícil de revertir, poca gent vol tornar a la vida rural; com a mínim hem de procurar no perdre el món rural que queda i estimular el seu increment. Un dels punts claus per reduir l’abandonament rural és que la gent dedicada a l’agricultura i ramaderia tinguen compradors dels seus productes. Les persones que consumeixen prioritàriament productes de grans superfícies sense fixar-se en l’origen del producte possiblement estan contribuint a l’abandonament rural (i als incendis forestals). La gestió forestal pot intentar recrear algunes de les discontinuïtats mitjançant tallafocs, aclarides, i cremes prescrites, però difícilment pot actuar en tota la massa forestal del territori, que segueix creixen com a conseqüència de l’abandonament.

Però la vegetació densa i continua per si sola no genera incendis. Se necessiten ignicions, que poden ser antròpiques, però com hem vist enguany, també poden ser llamps (en el cas dels incendis de la Vall d’Ebo, Bejís i Olocau). A més, se necessiten també condicions meteorològiques que facilitin la propagació del foc (vent i onades de calor). No és necessari dir que entre tots hem canviat el clima (mitjançant l’emissió de gasos d’efecte hivernacle) de manera que hem incrementat la freqüència i intensitat de les onades de calor. Un cop hem canviat el clima, és esperable que hi haja un increment en la mortalitat dels arbres per sequera, així com un increment de la probabilitat d’incendis. Seria il·lús voler conservar la vegetació del segle XX amb el clima del XXI. La nostra vegetació i les tècniques de gestió del paisatge teníen una certa lògica amb el clima del segle passat, però no s’ajusten bé al nou clima del segle XXI, que seguim canviant. Els grans incendis que se donen a molts llocs del món són un símptoma d’aquest desajust.

Hem d’exigir polítiques clares i dirigides a ajudar i estimular el món rural, a gestionar de manera sostenible els nostres paisatges, i a reduir el canvi climàtic. Els incendis no se poden eliminar totalment dels nostres paisatges mediterranis, si es que volem conservar la biodiversitat, però la gestió hauria de fer que foren incendis més xicotets i més sostenibles. Per exemple, un incendi de 1000 ha cada any és més sostenible que un incendi de 10,000 ha cada 10 anys. Però a més de les polítiques de gestió, és important tenir en compte que sense la participació de tota la societat, la tasca serà molt difícil. Tots tenim una part de responsabilitat en els productes i l’energia que consumim, i en els gasos d’efecte hivernacle que emetem. I la nostra responsabilitat en les emissions no és només deguda al nostre propi transport (cotxe, viatges de turisme), sinó que també al transport de les mercaderies que consumim, i les infraestructures que utilitzem. Hem de repensar unes quantes coses del nostre comportament si volem seguir mantenint bona qualitat de vida en el clima que hem generat per aquest segle XXI.

Seed dormancy, bet-hedging, and best-bet

September 2nd, 2022 No comments

Seed dormancy is a key plant characteristic that occurs among many species worldwide. One mechanism that select for seed dormancy is the bet-hedging strategy. In unpredictable environment (i.e., with high interannual variability) there is a benefit in spreading the germination over a number of years to reduce year-to-year variation in fitness but taking advantage of exceptionally good years for establishment. In those environments, seed dormancy is adaptive; each year there is a small fraction of the seed crop that germinates and the other seeds remain dormant in the soil. Because the environmental conditions of most years are poor, successful establishment only occurs in good (wet) years. Thus bet-hedging selects for seed dormancy and it is a mechanism for living in highly unpredictable environments such as arid ecosystems [1]

There is another environmental setting that also selects for seed dormancy: seasonal (predictable) climate with a dry season during which the vegetation is highly flammable and thus wildfires are frequent (e.g., mediterranean, savanna, warm temperate, and dry boreal ecosystems). In those ecosystems, seed dormancy is adaptive and fire provide both a mechanism for dormancy release (proximate cause) and conditions (postfire) optimal for germination and establishment (low competition, high resource availability, low predation, low pathogen load) that increase fitness and allow maintenance of the population (ultimate cause) [1,2]. Dormant seeds survive the passage of fire and the heat or the chemicals from the combustion (collectively called ‘smoke’ [2,3]) are the stimulus for the seed to recognize a fire gap to germinate. That is, postfire recruitment occurs in a single pulse after fire. Here selection does not favor spreading the risk of recruitment failure over many years (as in the bet-hedging strategy) but, instead, maximizes germination in a single year when conditions are optimal, after fire. We call this strategy the best-bet strategy [1] or environmental matching [2]. This strategy selects for seed dormancy to accumulates seeds in the soil seedbank but also selects for serotiny to accumulate seeds in the canopy seedbank [4]; in both cases, species recruit mostly after fire and not during the interfire period.

There is a further driver that selects for seed dormancy but it does not imply the formation of seed banks (in contrast with bet-hedging and best-bet). Many seeds have acquired seed dormancy to facilitate long-distance dispersal. The clearest example is dispersal by vertebrate frugivores (endozoochory). Frugivores consume the fruit pulp and defaecate or regurgitate the seeds far from the mother plant. This means that seeds need to resist passage through the gut and remain intact until arriving at a new microsite for germination. Thus, seeds of fleshy fruited species typically are dormant, and scarification through the gut releases their dormancy. While bet-hedging spreads germination of seeds over time, this strategy spread the seeds across the space and thus it could be viewed as a spatial bet-hedging strategy.

Figure: Schematic representation of the dynamics of seed recruitment for plants lacking seed dormancy (nondormant; top panel), and for plants with dormant seeds following the bet-hedging strategy (middle panel) and the best-bet strategy (bottom panel). The figure shows the moment of flowering (red asterisk; spring), the germination (black bars; autumn), the seed bank in autumn (empty bars), the recruitment 2 months later (green bars) and the fire (flame; summer). As an example, the seasons are considered as in the Northern Hemisphere, and vertical dotted lines are the end of the year. From [1]
Table: Main characteristics of the evolutionary strategies that select for seed dormancy and seed banks (bet-hedging, best-bet), together with the nondormant strategy.


[1] Pausas JG, Lamont BB, Keeley JE., Bond WJ. 2022. Bet-hedging and best-bet strategies shape seed dormancy. New Phytol. [ doi | wiley | pdf]

[2] Pausas JG. & Lamont BB. 2022. Fire-released seed dormancy – a global synthesis. Biol. Rev. 97: 1612-1639. [doi | pdf | supp. mat. | data (figshare)

[3] Keeley JE & Pausas JG. 2018. Evolution of ‘smoke’ induced seed germination in pyroendemic plants. South African J. Bot. 115: 251-255. [doi | pdf]  

[4] Lamont BB, Pausas JG, He T, Witkowski, ETF, Hanley ME. 2020. Fire as a selective agent for both serotiny and nonserotiny over space and time. Critical Rev. Pl. Sci. 39:140-172. [doi | pdf | suppl.]

Incendios, clima y paisaje, o de cómo adaptarnos a la nueva realidad

August 1st, 2022 No comments

Una versión un poco simplificada de este texto se publicó en TheConversation (18/7/2022), en (19/7/2022), en elPeriodico (2/8/2022), entre otros periódicos, bajo el título “Cómo adaptarnos a la nueva realidad de incendios”. También se ha publicado en inglés en Mednight (3/8/2022): “Adapting to the new reality of fires”, y en portugués en Esquerda (4/8/2022): “Como nos podemos adaptar à nova realidade dos incêndios”.

Hace 40 millones de años, la Antártida estaba cubierta de grandes bosques. Y hace 25 000 años, media Europa estaba cubierta de hielo y la otra media eran estepas frías. Gracias a la paleontología hoy sabemos que la vegetación de todo el mundo ha ido cambiando según han ido sucediendo cambios climáticos. La vegetación y el clima están ligados, ya lo decía Humboldt (1769–1859), y es una de las primeras lecciones de ecología.

Si ahora, con nuestra inacción climática (fig. 1), hemos aceptado que cambie el clima, debemos aceptar también que cambie la vegetación. Es iluso querer conservar la vegetación del siglo XX con el clima del siglo XXI. Igualmente, la gestión forestal del siglo XXI no puede ser como la del siglo XX, cuando el clima era menos árido.

Fig. 1. Inacción climática. Concentración de CO₂ en la atmósfera (en ppm) a lo largo de los años (de 1960 a 2020). En colores se muestra el incremento de temperaturas a escala global (climate stripes). También se indican las diferentes reuniones internacionales realizadas para debatir sobre el cambio climático, y lo poco útiles que han sido. Tadzio Mueller / Wiebke Witt / Marius Hasenheit / Sustentio, CC BY

Los grandes incendios forestales

Los grandes incendios no se producen por una sola causa (el cambio climático o las plantaciones forestales). Se producen por la coincidencia de igniciones en periodos de sequía y condiciones meteorológicas adversas (olas de calor, viento), en zonas con vegetación continua y fácilmente inflamable [1, 2]. Estas zonas a menudo son matorrales y vegetación en etapas tempranas después del abandono rural (incluidos bosques jóvenes) o plantaciones densas no gestionadas apropiadamente.

El cambio climático interviene en la ecuación [2] porque extiende la estación propensa a incendios, agudiza las sequías, incrementa la mortalidad de plantas (y la biomasa seca) e incrementa la frecuencia de condiciones meteorológicas favorables a los incendios (por ejemplo, olas de calor). Pero el gran incremento de incendios que se ha dado en la historia reciente de España ha sido independiente del cambio climático, y asociado principalmente al abandono rural [3]. La disminución de la agricultura, del pastoreo y de la recolección de madera, y la falta de gestión en plantaciones forestales, generan paisajes más continuos y homogéneos donde el fuego se propaga fácilmente. En estos paisajes, el papel relativo del clima en los incendios aumenta a medida que dejamos que avance el cambio climático [2, 3].

La vegetación que aparecerá después de sequías e incendios recurrentes será diferente a la actual, porque muchas especies pueden no estar adaptadas a esos nuevos regímenes climáticos y de incendio. Presumiblemente la nueva vegetación será menos densa y menos forestal, y con cambios en la composición de especies.

Podemos dejar que las sequías y los incendios vayan adaptando los pasajes al nuevo clima. El problema es que esos grandes incendios pueden tener consecuencias sociales y económicas. Una alternativa es adelantarse a los incendios.


¿Qué podemos hacer?

Para evitar esos grandes incendios que perjudican a la sociedad, debemos adaptar nuestro paisaje y nuestro comportamiento a las nuevas condiciones ambientales. Esto incluye generar paisajes que sean más resilientes al régimen climático y de incendios que viene. Para ello, podemos poner en marcha estrategias como las siguientes

1. Generar paisajes heterogéneos

Las discontinuidades en el paisaje y los mosaicos agroforestales reducen la propagación de incendios. Esto es especialmente importante en zonas cercanas a las poblaciones humanas. Hay diversas estrategias para alcanzar este objetivo, por ejemplo: potenciar (con políticas de apoyo) el mundo rural, la agricultura y el pastoreo extensivo, así como el consumo de cercanía; incrementar las poblaciones de herbívoros naturales en zonas apropiadas para ello (rewilding o resilvestración); o realizar tareas de gestión forestal específicas en zonas críticas, como generar cortafuegos, quemas y pastoreo prescritos, o tratamientos y aprovechamientos silvícolas.

Todas estas herramientas no son excluyentes; se pueden combinar según las distintas características socieoconómicas y del terreno. Ciertamente, estimular el mundo rural es fácil de decir, especialmente desde el mundo urbano. Pero en España, por ejemplo, no es evidente que haya suficiente población dispuesta a volver a la vida rural como para generar un cambio significativo en el paisaje. Quizás podría ayudar una política de inmigración que ofreciera esa posibilidad a personas que llegan en busca de condiciones mejores a las que se dan en sus países de origen.

Fig. 2. Paisaje en la zona de Gátova (Valencia) después de un incendio en el verano de 2017. Alternar cultivos en zonas de monte (mosaicos agroforestales) ayuda a frenar su propagación. Foto: Juli G. Pausas,

2. Aprender a convivir con los incendios

Eliminar los incendios de nuestros paisajes es imposible y contraproducente [4], especialmente en el marco del cambio climático. El reto de la gestión es crear condiciones que generen regímenes de incendios sostenibles tanto ecológica como socialmente.

Enfocar las políticas de gestión de incendios únicamente a la extinción puede generar incendios grandes e intensos. Es más sostenible tener muchos incendios pequeños y poco intensos, que pocos incendios de grandes dimensiones e intensos.

Para alcanzar estos objetivos se requiere profesionalizar a los actores que intervienen en la prevención y extinción de los incendios forestales. Son ellos quienes pueden generar los regímenes de incendios sostenibles, pero en muchas ocasiones trabajan en condiciones precarias.

3. Minimizar y asumir riesgos

Debemos evitar construir viviendas e infraestructuras en zonas con bosque mediterráneo altamente inflamable y reducir al máximo la interfaz urbano-forestal. Esto no solo reduce el peligro para las personas e infraestructuras, también reduce las igniciones. Entre los mecanismos para conseguirlo se incluyen la recalificación de terrenos (a no urbanizables o incluso a agrícola) y la implementación de tasas (disuasorias) por construir en áreas con alto riesgo de incendios (pirotasas), entre otras.

En zonas ya construidas, es necesario asegurar que se realizan tareas de autoprotección, como la implementación de franjas de seguridad con poca vegetación (o con cultivos) alrededor de las viviendas, o incluso implementar sistemas de riego prescrito. Es importante asegurar que las viviendas tengan seguro contra incendios forestales, y que no esperen que los bomberos necesariamente las protejan. Hay que asumir riesgos, responsabilidades y costes si se desea vivir en medio de paisajes altamente inflamables en lugar de en una zona urbana.

Durante olas de calor, sería conveniente reducir la movilidad en el monte y en zonas de interfaz (urbano-forestal y agrícola-forestal) para minimizar el riesgo de igniciones.

Fig. 3. Ejemplo de interfaz urbano-forestal en un paisaje altamente inflamable en la Costa Brava (Platja d’Aro, Barcelona). Viviendas en una matriz forestal altamente inflamable como es este caso pronto o tarde se verán afectadas por un incendio; es cuestión de tiempo. Google Maps

4. Conservar los bosques y los humedales

Debemos conservar y restaurar los bosques en los microhábitats húmedos (refugios), para incrementar su resiliencia a los cambios en el clima.

Hay que potenciar la restauración de humedales y otros ecosistemas litorales que, aparte de los beneficios para la biodiversidad, mantienen el ciclo del agua y contribuyen a la conservación del clima [5].

La degradación de la costa (por la desecación de los humedales y la sobreurbanización) contribuye a la reducción de la precipitación [5] y al incremento de gases de efecto invernadero (vapor de agua) [5]. Potenciar vegetación en zonas urbanas (jardines, árboles en las calles) también contribuye a la conservación del clima, además de mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos (¡ninguna calle sin árboles!).

5. Restaurar con especies vegetales más resistentes

La restauración del s. XX se basaba en imitar ecosistemas del pasado. En el s. XXI, la restauración no ha de tener como referencia el pasado, sino el futuro. En proyectos de restauración y en plantaciones, se deben utilizar especies (o poblaciones de las mismas especies) más resistentes a la sequía y a los incendios que las que había con anterioridad [6]. Por ejemplo, especies y poblaciones que actualmente se encuentran en zonas más secas o con más actividad de incendios. Esto sería más sostenible que utilizar las estaciones de alta calidad forestal que se utilizaban con el clima del siglo pasado.

6. Reducir el consumo de combustibles fósiles

Esto es clave para frenar el aumento de gases de efecto invernadero, y así reducir la velocidad del cambio climático y la frecuencia de las olas de calor.


En conclusión

Este verano tenemos grandes incendios principalmente en el oeste del Mediterráneo, y el verano pasado los tuvimos en el este, acorde con la distribución de las olas de calor de cada año. No hay ninguna novedad ni sorpresa en ello. Hemos decidido cambiar el clima (fig. 1) y por lo tanto, la vegetación se está ajustando a ese nuevo clima. Está todo dentro de lo esperado si seguimos sin adaptar el paisaje y nuestro comportamiento a las nuevas condiciones del siglo XXI. El fuego y las sequías lo hacen por nosotros.



[1] Pausas J.G. 2021. Incendios forestales: no todo es cambio climático. ; El Diario, LaMarea 19 agosto 2021 (18 agosto 2021), (19 agosto 2021),,

[2] Pausas J.G. & Keeley J.E. 2021. Wildfires and global change. Front. Ecol. Environ. 19: 387-395. [doi | wiley | pdf | brief for managers]

[3] Pausas J.G. & Fernández-Muñoz S. 2012. Fire regime changes in the Western Mediterranean Basin: from fuel-limited to drought-driven fire regime. Climatic Change 110: 215-226. [doi | springer | pdf]

[4] Pausas J.G. 2017. Acabar con los incendios es antinatural e insostenible. 20minutos (Ciencia para llevar), 13 Julio 2017. [20minutos]

[5] Pausas J.G. & Millán M.M. 2019. Greening and browning in a climate change hotspot: the Mediterranean Basin. BioScience 96:143-151. [doi | oup | blog | pdf]

[6] Leverkus AB, Thorn S, Gustafsson L, Noss R, Müller J, Pausas JG, Lindenmayer D. 2021. Environmental policies to cope with novel disturbance regimes: steps to address a world scientists’ warning to humanity. Environ. Res. Lett. 16: 021003. [doi | pdf]

Fuego y brezales

June 30th, 2022 No comments

Video sobre la importancia del fuego en los brezales andaluces, esos matorrales mediterráneos dominados por brezo (Calluna vulgaris) en suelos pobres en nutrientes. Gran parte de las especies de plantas de estos brezales necesitan incendios para reproducirse.

Realizado por Guillermo Ojeda, con la colaboración de Fernando Ojeda, Susana Gómez, Universidad de Cádiz, Plan INFOCA, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, etc.

Fire in mediterranean heathlands

Prescribed burns in Valencia

May 31st, 2022 No comments

Prescribed burns has only been introduced in the Valencia region (eastern Iberia) very recently (end of 2019), and are undertaken by the Valencia government. One of the first burns was performed Castell de Castells (Alacant province) in March 2021, it was of relatively low intensity (compare with natural wildfires in the area). The area was dominated by a mediterranean shrublands with few young pines (P. halepensis). One year latter the area is a paradise of flowers; below are a few of them. Thank you to J. Fabado and X. Riera (Jardí Botànic de Valencia) for their help in the species names.

Castell de Castells burn, March 2021
Castell de Castells, May 2022
First row: Reseda (alba) valentina, Tulipa australis, Sarcocapnos enneaphylla / Second row: Linaria_depauperata, Teucrium homotrichum_ronniger, Neotinea_maculata / Third row: Argyrolobium zanonii, Phlomis lychnitis, Teucrium pseudochamaepitys / Fourth row: Anagallis arvensis, Asphodelus cerasiferous, Aphyllantes monspeliensis. Photos by JG Pausas except Linaria by B. Moreira.

Fire-released seed dormancy

April 8th, 2022 No comments

Many plants concentrate their seedling recruitment after the passage of a fire. This is because postfire conditions are especially optimal for germination and establishment of many species as fires create extensive vegetation gaps that have high resource availability, minimal competition, and low pathogen load. Thus we propose that fireprone ecosystems create ideal conditions for the selection of seed dormancy as fire provides a mechanism for dormancy release and optimal conditions for germination [1]. We compiled data from a wide range of fire-related germination experiments for species in different ecosystems across the globe and identified four dormancy syndromes: heat-released (physical) dormancy, smoke-released (physiological) dormancy, non-fire-released dormancy, and non-dormancy. In fireprone ecosystems, fire, in the form of heat and/or chemical by-products (collectively termed ‘smoke’), are the predominant stimuli for dormancy release and subsequent germination, with climate (cold or warm stratification) and light sometimes playing important secondary roles. Fire (heat or smoke)-released dormancy is best expressed where woody vegetation is dense and fires are intense, i.e. in crown-fire ecosystems (e.g., mediterranean-type ecosystems). In grassy fireprone ecosystems (e.g. savannas), where fires are less intense but more frequent, seed dormancy is less common and dormancy release is often not directly related to fire (non-fire-released dormancy). Fire-released dormancy is rare to absent in arid ecosystems and rainforests. Heat-released dormancy can be traced back to fireprone floras in the ‘fiery’ mid-Cretaceous, followed by smoke-released dormancy, with loss of fire-related dormancy among recent events associated with the advent of open savannas and non-fireprone habitats. Anthropogenic influences are now modifying dormancy-release mechanisms, usually decreasing the role of fire. We conclude that contrasting fire regimes are a key driver of the evolution and maintenance of diverse seed dormancy types in many of the world’s natural ecosystems.

Fig. 1. Percentage germination of 68 populations or species subjected to simulated fire- (y axis) and summer-type (warm stratification) temperature (x-axis) (C., Cistus; F., Fumana; U., Ulex; A., Acacia; M., Mimosa). Points above the dotted line (1:1) have higher germination levels after fire heat than after summer heat. Note that all points at or below the line are for species in savannas [S], while the others are from mediterranean shrublands and other crown-fire ecosystems. That is, in crown-fire ecosystems, fire is the most likely selective agent for dormancy. From [1].
Fig. 2. Dated phylogeny for major clades in the New and Old World Cistaceae together with closely related ancestral clades. Pie charts at the tips show the fraction of species that occur in crown-fire ecosystems (red), surface-fire ecosystems (orange), those with physical dormancy – hard seeds (green), and those with heat-released dormancy (blue). Blank sectors mean that the trait is absent. Letters at the tips refer to growth forms in the clade (T, tree; S, shrub or subshrub; H, herb/annual). Black dots indicate the crown age of diversification of the corresponding clade. From [1].


[1] Pausas J.G. & Lamont B.B. 2022. Fire-released seed dormancy – a global synthesis. Biological Reviews  [doi | pdf | supp. mat. | data (figshare)]

Marmaris postfire regeneration

December 5th, 2021 No comments

During last summer, over 170,000 ha burnt in Turkey. One of these fires was the Marmaris fire, a fire of about 12,500 ha in SW of the country. The area includes part of the Marmaris National Park and an Special Environmental Protection Area. Most of the area were covered by Pinus brutia forests, a Mediterranean pine that has some serotinous cones.

Four months after the Marmaris fire, I visited the area together with Çagatay Tavsanoglu. Some plants were resprouting and some geophytes flowering (Cyclamen, Arisarum). Pine seedlings had started to germinate; there were also many other seedlings but still too small to identify them (e.g., Cistus species). Below are a few examples of plants that were regenerating after the fire (click on the photos to enlarge them).


Global change in the Mediterranean basin

January 9th, 2019 2 comments

The paleartic region with mediterranean climate (southern Europe and northern Africa; the Mediterranean Basin; Fig. 1) is a hotspot of biodiversity, a hotspot of climate change (warming of the region is above global average), and a hotspot of human population (a highly populated area and a top tourist and retirement destination). In addition, the Mediterranean Sea is the world’s largest inland sea, and climatic disruptions in the region have consequences in the large catchment area that includes central-eastern Europe (Fig. 1). That is, environmental changes and disruptions of the water cycling in the Mediterranean region have consequences affecting a large human population [1].

Fig. 1. Area with mediterranean climate (green) and limits of the Mediterranean catchment (red).  The European catchment limit based on Cortambert (1870). From [1]; shape files available here.

The region, as all the planet, is subject to global warming. In addition there are three main local processes (not directly related to global warming) that are very important in understanding dynamic changes in the region [1]:

a) Rural abandonment in an environment depauperate of native herbivores; this increases wildlands (greening) but also the abundance and continuity of fuels that feed wildfires [2]

b) Increasing the wildland-urban interface; this increases biodiversity degradation (e.g., alien species), fire ignitions, and the vulnerability of the society to fires

c) Coastal degradation enhances drought (browning) through negative feedback processes; that is, the desiccation of coastal marshes, the deforestation for agriculture, and more recently, the explosive coastal urbanization, have drastically reduced the original ecosystems and thus the water available for the sea breeze that was once feeding the rain in the upper part of the mountains [1].

All these mechanisms act in different directions (greening, browning), and the current balance is still towards greening, as land abandonment is buffering the browning drivers; however, it is likely to switch with global warming. The challenge is to mitigate the browning processes. The good news is that the importance of small-scale drivers suggests that local policies and actions can make a difference in reducing overall impact on the landscape and society.

Mechanisms acting at a fine scale, together with global drivers (CO2 enrichment and climatic warming) interact and drive current vegetation changes in Mediterranean landscapes. Any model aiming to predict the future of our vegetation and climate must consider these local mechanisms; and failing to consider them at an appropriate scale is likely to produce inconclusive predictions.

Fig. 2. The disruption of the natural fire and drought regimes in Mediterranean landscapes is driven by global and local drivers. Increased fire activity is a response to the fuel amount and landscape homogeneity generated by rural abandonment (fire hazard) in an environment depauperated of herbivores and with increasing human ignitions (fire risk) and droughts (fire weather). The increased dry conditions are the consequence of global warming, but also of storm losses caused by the disruption of the water cycle generated by the coastal degradation. WUI: wildland-urban interface. From [1].


[1] Pausas J.G. & Millán M.M. 2019. Greening and browning in a climate change hotspot: the Mediterranean Basin. BioScience 69: 143-151 [doi | OUP | pdf | map (shape file)]  

[2] Pausas J.G. & Fernández-Muñoz S. 2012. Fire regime changes in the Western Mediterranean Basin: from fuel-limited to drought-driven fire regime. Climatic Change 110: 215-226. [doi | springer | pdf]  

Every time you build anything, a highway, a school, whatever, you are altering the precipitation regime somewhere downwind” Millán M. Millán

Incendios forestales: encrucijada natural y social

December 28th, 2018 No comments

En febrero de 2018, poco después del incendio de Doñana (Las Peñuelas, 2017), la Academia de Ciencias Sociales y el Medio Ambiente de Andalucía organizó en Sevilla un seminario sobre regeneración después de incendios. A partir de ese seminario, se ha realizado un libro con algunas de las ponencias. Tuve la suerte de que me invitasen a dar la charla inaugural del seminario y a escribir un capitulo introductorio en el libro. Aquí abajo copio algunos fragmentos de mi capítulo. El texto entero del capítulo está disponible en PDF aquí. El libro entero también está disponible en PDF aquí y en en la Academia



Los incendios forestales constituyen procesos complejos, a muchas escalas. Los físicos aún tienen enormes dificultades para modelar y predecir el comportamiento del fuego a escalas temporales y espaciales pequeñas, debido a la complejidad de la vegetación y las interacciones con los parámetros meteorológicos. A escalas mayores, en paisajes heterogéneos, con historia, y con personas asentadas en él, la complejidad es enorme. Prueba de ello es que el llamado ‘problema’ de los incendios forestales no está resuelto ni en nuestro país ni en ningún otro. Parte de la dificultad probablemente resida en un enfoque poco apropiado para abordar el tema. Lo más probable es que se necesite un cambio de paradigma en cuanto a cómo entendemos los incendios forestales en nuestros paisajes. Para este cambio de paradigma se requiere acumular evidencias, cultivar el pensamiento crítico, y romper algunos mitos. Aquí estamos para contribuir a ello.

Régimen de incendios

El clima mediterráneo es propenso al fuego porque tiene una vegetación densa, una estación seca, y tormentas secas (que provocan igniciones). Por lo tanto, como mínimo, hay incendios desde que tenemos clima mediterráneos (hace unos pocos millones de años), aunque hay evidencias de carbones fósiles producto de incendios desde que las plantas colonizaron el medio terrestre. A lo largo de la historia geológica el régimen de incendios ha ido cambiando, es decir, han ido cambiando características tales como la frecuencia, la intensidad, la estacionalidad, el tamaño, o el tipo de propagación. Y estos cambios han sido debidos a las variaciones a escala geológica de la concentración de oxígeno en la atmósfera, a cambios en el clima y en la vegetación, y a variaciones en la abundancia y tipo de herbívoros.

A una escala temporal más reciente (humana), los regímenes de incendios se han ido modificando según el uso del fuego, los cambios antropogénicos del paisaje, de la ganadería/pastoreo, de las políticas de gestión y, finalmente, los cambios climáticos recientes (antropogénicos). Todos estos cambios han ido modificando el régimen de incendios en diferentes direcciones, a veces de manera abrupta. Por ejemplo, el aumento de la población está asociado a un mayor número de igniciones; el incremento de la agricultura está asociado a la disminución de los incendios; y el reciente abandono rural conllevó un incremento de estos, especialmente de su tamaño. De manera que la dinámica del régimen de incendios está fuertemente ligada a cambios socio-económicos.


La larga historia de incendios ha conllevado que muchas plantas mediterráneas tengan rasgos o estrategias que les confieren supervivencia y capacidad de reproducción en ambientes con incendios recurrentes (rasgos adaptativos a los incendios). Existe una variedad de rasgos de este tipo; por ejemplo, muchas plantas rebrotan muy bien aunque se quemen totalmente, gracias a tener yemas en estructuras subterráneas protegidas por el suelo, o protegidas debajo de cortezas gruesas. Otras especies germinan de manera abundante después de los incendios, y así aprovechan la elevada disponibilidad de recursos tras el paso del fuego; y en muchos casos, estas especies aumentan su tamaño poblacional respecto al tamaño previo al incendio. Otras especies florecen rápida y abundantemente después de un fuego, aprovechando las condiciones favorables. Todo ello genera una frenética actividad de plantas y animales durante la primavera después de los incendios. La gran mayoría de plantas mediterráneas presenta alguna de estas estrategias para vivir en zonas con incendios recurrentes (ver aquí), aunque cambios bruscos en el régimen pueden conllevar problemas ecológicos.

Los bosques no son la única alternativa

Aunque la vegetación potencial de muchos ecosistemas pueda ser el bosque cerrado, la larga historia de incendios ha producido la apertura en los bosques de manera tan recurrente que han evolucionado especies típicas de matorrales abiertos que ni siquiera pueden vivir dentro del bosque. De hecho no es raro encontrar matorrales más diversos que bosques. Por lo tanto, la sociedad debería poner más en valor los ecosistemas que no son bosques, tales como los matorrales, las dehesas y los pastizales; todos ellos con una elevada diversidad en nuestro territorio. El fuego genera espacios abiertos, y da oportunidad a especies heliófilas, tanto de plantas como de animales. Sin incendios recurrentes nuestro paisajes serían más pobres en especies.

Incendios en el antropoceno

A pesar del carácter natural y antiguo de los incendios, el incremento de igniciones (aumento de la población urbana en ambientes semi-rurales), la elevada continuidad de la vegetación (por abandono rural y falta de herbívoros), y el cambio climático, junto con la política de exclusión del máximo número de incendios, nos lleva en conjunto muy a menudo a regímenes de incendios fuera del rango histórico, donde la mayor frecuencia de incendios de grandes dimensiones podría generar problemas ecológicos y sociales. En un mundo con climas y paisajes cambiantes, la gestión de los incendios (que no la exclusión o extinción), resulta de suma importancia.

La gestión debe partir del conocimiento de que los incendios son propios de los ecosistemas mediterráneos. La política de tolerancia cero a los incendios no ha funcionado en ningún país del mundo. El reto de la gestión no debería ser eliminar los incendios, sino crear paisajes que generen regímenes de incendios sostenibles tanto ecológica como socialmente. Eliminarlos es imposible, antinatural y ecológicamente insostenible. Para generar esos paisajes resilientes se precisan acciones a distintos niveles, tales como aceptar abiertamente un cierto régimen de incendios, crear discontinuidades en paisajes forestales homogéneos (por ejemplo, mosaicos agrícola-forestales), o reducir el combustible (pastoreo y quemas prescritas) en zonas estratégicas o próximas a viviendas.  También implica decisiones tan conflictivas como limitar la interfaz urbano-forestal, es decir, limitar la expansión de urbanizaciones y polígonos industriales en zonas rurales y naturales. A los efectos ambientales que supone la expansión de estas zonas de interfaz (por ejemplo, en biodiversidad, especies invasoras, contaminación lumínica y visual, etc.), hay que añadir que constituyen una gran fuente de igniciones, y que convierten en catastróficos (socialmente) incluso a regímenes de incendios ecológicamente sostenibles.

En conclusión

Se están acumulando evidencias que sugieren que hasta ahora teníamos una visión muy incompleta y sesgada de los incendios forestales, relegándolos a un factor externo que destruye ecosistemas y genera problemas ecológicos y sociales. Los estudios realizados en los últimos años sugieren un cambio de visión, donde los incendios constituyen una característica interna de los sistemas socio-ecológicos, una perturbación natural en muchos ecosistemas y una herramienta de gestión para moldear los regímenes de incendios futuros. Por ello se requiere que aprendamos a convivir con los incendios. Este cambio de paradigma se hace más urgente con el cambio climático, ya que la actividad de incendios está aumentando, y solo se puede abordar si se integra los incendios y el fuego dentro de nuestros sistemas socio-ecológicos.


Lecturas relacionadas

Pausas J.G. 2012. Incendios forestales. Catarata-CSIC. [Libro]

Pausas J.G. & Paula S. 2012. Fuel shapes the fire-climate relationship: evidence from Mediterranean ecosystems. Global Ecol. & Biogeogr. 21: 1074-1082. [doi | pdf | supp]

Pausas J.G. & Fernández-Muñoz S. 2012. Fire regime changes in the Western Mediterranean Basin: from fuel-limited to drought-driven fire regime. Climatic Change 110: 215-226. [doi | springer | pdf]

Chergui B., Fahd S., Santos X., Pausas J.G. 2018. Socioeconomic factors drive fire-regime variability in the Mediterranean Basin. Ecosystems 21: 619–628. [doi | pdf | post]

Pausas J.G. 2018. Incendios: cambios recientes y soluciones.

Pausas J.G. 2018. Incendios forestales, encrucijada natural y social. En: Ecología de la regeneración de zonas incendiadas (García Novo F., Casal M., Pausas J.G.). Academia de Ciencias Sociales y del Medio Ambiente de Andalucía. pp. 9-14. [pdf | libro]

Pausas J.G. & Millán M.M. 2019. Greening and browning in a climate change hotspot: the Mediterranean Basin. BioScience. [doi | pdf]


BROT 2 – a mediterranean plant trait database

July 10th, 2018 No comments

We have released a new version of the BROT database on plant functional traits for Mediterranean Basin species [1]. BROT 2.0 is an improved and expanded version of BROT 1.0 [2]; while the first version focused on fire related traits, the version 2.0 is more general and include a higher diversity plant functional traits. BROT 2 includes 25,764 individual records of 44 traits from 2,457 plant taxa distributed in 119 taxonomic families.

The structure of the BROT 2 database is very simple and include four files (or tables) linked by IDs: the Data file (the main file), the Taxa file, Sources file, and an additional Synonymous file. Tables 5, 6, 7, and 9 refer to the place in the paper [1] with the definitions of the corresponding field.Geographical scope of BROT in the Mediterranean Basin. Circles are the locations of the data (for records with geographical coordinates), with colors indicating the number of records. The blue region refers to the Mediterranean climate area following Quézel & Médail (2003).


[1] Tavsanoglu Ç. & Pausas J.G. 2018. A functional trait database for Mediterranean Basin plants. Scientific Data 5: 180135 [doi | SciDat | pdf | data | BROT web]

[2] Paula, S., M. Arianoutsou, D. Kazanis, Ç. Tavsanoglu, F. Lloret, C. Buhk, F. Ojeda, B. Luna, J. M. Moreno, A. Rodrigo, J. M. Espelta, S. Palacio, B. Fernández-Santos, P. M. Fernandes, and J. G. Pausas. 2009. Fire-related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin. Ecology 90:1420-1420. [doi | ESA journals | Ecological Archives | pdf | BROT web]


Incendios: cambios recientes y soluciones

June 19th, 2018 No comments

Recientemente, Greenpeace hizo un par de preguntas a varias personas que trabajan en diferentes ámbitos relacionados con incendios forestales (noticia | documento). Aquí copio mis respuestas.

¿En qué han cambiado los incendios?

En las últimas décadas se ha observado un cambio brusco en el régimen de incendios, aumentando la frecuencia y, especialmente, el tamaño de los incendios. Los incendios requieren de tres factores: combustible (vegetación densa y continua), igniciones, y condiciones propensas a la propagación del fuego (sequedad, viento). Estos tres factores se han visto favorecidos en los últimos años y de manera simultánea:

(1) ha aumentado la cobertura, continuidad y densidad de la vegetación en el paisaje, incrementando la biomasa y el combustible disponible para los incendios;

(2) ha cambiado el clima hacia veranos más cálidos, más secos, y más largos, por lo que se dan mejores condiciones para la propagación del fuego y durante más tiempo; y

(3) ha aumentado la población urbana en las zonas de interfaz urbano-forestal (ver foto), lo que conlleva un mayor número de igniciones, tanto accidentales como provocadas.

En definitiva, actualmente hay más incendios porque tenemos paisajes y climas más propensos a la propagación del fuego, y más igniciones.

De estos tres factores, el que más ha influido en el cambio del régimen de incendios es el aumento de vegetación (biomasa) en nuestros paisajes. Este aumento se debe principalmente al abandono de las actividades rurales (tales como la agricultura, el pastoreo, la extracción de leña, o la gestión de las plantaciones forestales), y a las políticas de exclusión total de los incendios, sin una sustitución por otros sistemas que controlen la vegetación, tales como los herbívoros silvestres, o las quemas y el pastoreo prescritos.

¿Como mitigar el impacto de los incendios?

La política de tolerancia cero a los incendios no ha funcionado en ningún país del mundo. El reto de la gestión no debería ser eliminar los incendios, sino crear paisajes que generen regímenes de incendios sostenibles tanto ecológica como socialmente. Para ello se precisan acciones a distintos niveles, tales como aceptar abiertamente un cierto régimen de incendios (especialmente en zonas poco pobladas y en ecosistemas con adaptaciones al fuego), crear discontinuidades en paisajes forestales homogéneos (por ejemplo, mosaicos agrícola-forestales), o reducir el combustible en zonas estratégicas o próximas a viviendas. También implica decisiones tan conflictivas como limitar la interfaz urbano-forestal, es decir, limitar la expansión de urbanizaciones y polígonos industriales en zonas rurales y naturales. A los efectos ambientales que supone la expansión de estas zonas de interfaz (por ejemplo, en biodiversidad, especies invasoras, contaminación lumínica y visual, etc.), hay que añadir que constituyen una gran fuente de igniciones, y que convierten en catastróficos (socialmente) incluso a regímenes de incendios ecológicamente sostenibles. Los mecanismos para limitar estas zonas pueden ser diversos, incluyendo la recalificación de terrenos (a no urbanizables), o la implementación de tasas (disuasorias) por construir en áreas con alto riesgo de incendios, entre otros. Además, y con carácter más general, incrementar las medidas que frenan el cambio climático contribuiría a reducir los cambios no deseados en el régimen de incendios.

Foto: Ejemplo de interfaz urbano-forestal (Port d’Andratx, Mallorca; foto: @xarxaforestal). Con este modelo de urbanismo, además de aumentar la probabilidad de igniciones, convertimos en catastróficos incluso a regímenes de incendios ecológicamente sostenibles.


Más información

Incendios forestales, una visión desde la ecología
Acabar con los incendios es antinatural e insostenible
Cinco cuestiones sobre inflamabilidad e incendios

Doñana postfire – Doñana posincendio

April 2nd, 2018 No comments

[English version]

Last summer, between Jun 24 and Jul 4 (2017), a wildfire burned ca. 10,000 ha of the Doñana Natural Park (Las Peñuelas fire, Moguer, Huelva, Spain); the fire did not affect the adjacent Doñana National Park (National P. + Natural P. = 108,000 ha). Most of the area burned was a shrubland in a fixed dune system that had been afforested with Pinus pinea during the early 20th C. Now, nine months after fire, there are many plants from the original shrubland that are resprouting and many seeds germinating (pictures below); most of the pines are dead with very poor or null regeneration, so part of the afforestation (which is much larger than this fire) is lost.

From the ecological point of view, this fire provides an opportunity to replace part of the afforestation with the natural shrubland, and thus the wildfire may help to restore the original ecosystems and their biodiversity. This ecosystem will also benefit from having more water available, as tree consume a lot of water. In addition, future fires occurring in the shrubland without the tree layer would be also less intense. Consequently, the regenerating shrubland will be more natural and more resilient to future fires than the prefire pine woodland.


[Versión en español]

El verano pasado, entre el 24 de junio y el 4 de julio (2017), un incendio afectó ca. 10.000 ha del Parque Natural de Doñana (incendio de Las Peñuelas, Moguer, Huelva, España); el fuego no afectó al Parque Nacional de Doñana adyacente al parque natural (P. Nacional + P. Natural = 108.000 ha). La mayor parte del área quemada era un matorral en un sistema de dunas fijas en el que se había plantado pinos (Pinus pinea) a principios del siglo XX. Ahora, nueve meses después del incendio, hay muchas plantas del matorral original que están rebrotando y muchas semillas germinando (ver fotos); la mayoría de los pinos están muertos y presentan una regeneración muy pobre o nula, por lo que una parte de la repoblación de pinos (que era mucho más grande que este incendio) ha desaparecido.

Desde el punto de vista ecológico, este incendio brinda la oportunidad de reemplazar la repoblación por el matorral natural y, por lo tanto, el incendio pueden ayudar a restaurar los ecosistemas originales y diversos de Doñana. Estos ecosistemas también se beneficiarán de una mayor disponibilidad de agua, ya que hasta ahora una parte era consumida por los pinos. Además, los incendios futuros que ocurran en estos matorrales sin pinos serán menos intensos. En consecuencia, el matorral en regeneración será más natural y más resiliente a los incendios futuros que el pinar anterior.

UPDATE (Jan 2019): this post has inspired the following article:

Leverkus AB, Murillo PG, Doña VJ, Pausas JG. 2019. Wildfires: opportunity for restoration? Science 363 (6423): 134-135. [doi | science | pdf]


Socioeconomics and fire regime in the Mediterranean

August 26th, 2017 No comments

In recent decades, fires in Mediterranean Europe have become larger and more frequent. This trend has been driven mainly by socioeconomic changes that have generated rural depopulation and changes in traditional land use. This has increased the amount and continuity of vegetation (fuel), and thus an increase in the fire size and area burnt [1-3]. In a recent paper [4] we compared fire statistics of the Western Rif (Morocco) with those form Valencia (eastern Spain) to show that current fire regimes in Mediterranean Africa resemble past fire regimes in the Mediterranean Europe when rural activities dominated the landscape. The temporal fire regime shift observed in different countries of the Mediterranean Europe (from small, fuel-limited fires to drought-driven fires) can be identified when moving from the southern to the northern rim of the Basin. That is, most spatial and temporal variability in fire regimes of the Mediterranean Basin is driven by shifts in the amounts of fuel and continuity imposed by changes in socioeconomic drivers (e.g., rural depopulation). In fact, we can use rural population density as an early warning for abrupt fire regime shift. Consequently we can predict future fire regimes in North Africa, based on the trends observed in southern Europe, and we can better understand past fire regimes in Europe based on the current situation in North Africa [4].

Figure 1. Western Rif (northern Morocco) and Valencia (eastern Spain).

Figure 2. Fire-size distribution in Valencia, for the period 1880-1970 (white boxes) and for the period 1975-2014 (grey boxes), and in the western Rif (red symbols, 2008-2015). For details see [4]


[1] Pausas, J.G. 2004. Changes in fire and climate in the eastern Iberian Peninsula (Mediterranean basin). Climatic Change 63: 337-350. [pdf | doi]

[2] Pausas J.G. & Fernández-Muñoz S. 2012. Fire regime changes in the Western Mediterranean Basin: from fuel-limited to drought-driven fire regime. Climatic Change 110: 215-226. [doi | springer | pdf]

[3] Pausas J.G. & Paula S. 2012. Fuel shapes the fire-climate relationship: evidence from Mediterranean ecosystems. Global Ecol. & Biogeogr. 21: 1074-1082. [doi | pdf | supp]  

[4] Chergui B., Fahd S., Santos X., Pausas J.G. 2018. Socioeconomic factors drive fire-regime variability in the Mediterranean Basin. Ecosystems 21: 619–628 [doi | pdf]


¿Hay incendios naturales?

July 14th, 2017 No comments

A menudo me preguntan, ¿pero tu realmente crees que los incendios forestales es un fenómeno natural? Aquí intento responder a esta pregunta. Este texto apareció primero en 20minutos (Ciencia para llevar); aquí incluyo la primera versión que escribí, un poco más larga que la publicada; la principal diferencia está en el último párrafo, que por razones de espacio se recortó en la versión final en 20minutos.


Para que se produzca un incendio forestal se requieren tres condiciones: una ignición que inicie el fuego, un combustible continuo e inflamable, y unas condiciones de propagación adecuadas. ¿Se dan estas tres circunstancias en nuestros ecosistemas?

Empecemos por el final, las condiciones de propagación. Una de las principales características del clima mediterráneo es que la estación más seca coincide con la más cálida (el verano), cosa que no se da en la mayoría de los climas del mundo. En verano se genera un periodo relativamente largo con unas condiciones de elevadas temperaturas y baja o nula precipitación, que son ideales para que, si hay un incendio, se propague fácilmente. Además no es raro tener días de viento relativamente fuerte, seco y cálido (por ejemplo, los ponientes en la costa valenciana) que aún facilitan más los grandes incendios.

La siguiente condición es la existencia de un combustible continuo e inflamable. En la mayoría de los ecosistemas ibéricos, la vegetación es suficiente densa y continua que permite, si hay un incendio en verano, que este se pueda extender a grandes superficies. Esto es aplicable tanto a los bosques como a la gran diversidad de matorrales que encontramos en nuestro territorio. De manera que la vegetación mediterránea forma lo que a menudo se llama el combustible de los incendios forestales. No hay que olvidar que este ‘combustible’ está compuesto por una gran diversidad de seres vivos que tienen detrás una larga historia evolutiva; son parte de nuestra biodiversidad. Esta continuidad en la vegetación era especialmente evidente antes de que los humanos realizará esa gran fragmentación que se observa actualmente en nuestros paisajes, principalmente debida a la agricultura, pero también a las abundantes vías y zonas urbanas y periurbanas.

Pero con una vegetación inflamable y unos veranos secos no es suficiente para que haya incendios, se requiere una ignición inicial. Hoy en día, la mayoría de igniciones son generadas por personas, ya sea de manera voluntaria o accidental. Pero, ¿Hay igniciones naturales? La respuesta es . A menudo tenemos tormentas secas en verano, cuando las condiciones de propagación son óptimas, de manera que los rayos generados por estas tormentas pueden actuar como fuente de ignición e iniciar un incendio forestal. Tenemos muchos ejemplos de incendios generados por rayos (la mayoría sofocados rápidamente por los bomberos); y en los meses de verano, la AEMET detecta miles de rayos potencialmente capaces de generar igniciones (Figura 1).

Figura 1. Imagen del 31 de Julio de 2015 donde se muestra la localización de 12835 rayos que se registraron durante 6 horas en la Península Ibérica. Los diferentes colores indican diferentes horas, entre las 12 y las 18h. Fuente: Agencia Estatal de Meteorología.

Por lo tanto, las tres condiciones arriba mencionadas se dan de manera natural en nuestros ecosistemas, y por lo tanto podemos afirmar que sí hay incendios naturales. Pero, ¿cuantos?

Las estadísticas de incendios actuales nos dicen que los incendios generados por rayos son una minoría, comparado con la gran cantidad de incendios generados por los humanos. ¿Podría esta minoría de incendios por rayo representar la cantidad de los incendios esperables en condiciones naturales? La respuesta es no. Una gran cantidad de rayos cae en suelo sin vegetación combustible (zonas agrícolas y urbanas) y por lo tanto no producen los incendios que producirían en unas condiciones más naturales. Además, de los rayos que sí generan igniciones en el monte, la mayoría son apagados por los bomberos forestales cuando aun son solo conatos o incendios muy pequeños. Cabe recordar que nuestros bomberos apagan la inmensa mayoría de las igniciones y sólo un porcentaje muy pequeño se escapa y se transforma en los incendios que aparecen en la prensa. Y además, de los incendios que realmente progresan, la mayoría son más pequeños de lo que serían esperable en condiciones más naturales, porque los apagan los bomberos, o porque se detienen en zonas no inflamables (zonas agrícolas, urbanas, cortafuegos, etc.). Como consecuencia, las estadísticas de incendios por rayos, ya sea en número de incendios como en área afectada, no reflejan la importancia que tendrían los incendios en condiciones naturales, sino que los subestima. Algunos de los incendios que actualmente se dan por actividad humana, en realidad están sustituyendo a incendios naturales.

Es decir, en unos paisajes más naturales (con menos presión humana) que los actuales, sería de esperar que hubiese menos incendios que en la actualidad porque habría muchas menos igniciones (la actual elevada población genera muchas igniciones), pero en muchos casos, esos incendios podrías ser más grande. En cualquier caso, el balance probablemente sería de menos área afectada por incendios que actualmente; pero sí habría incendios frecuentes. A todo esto hay que añadirle que actualmente estamos cambiando el clima, de manera que la estación con incendios tienden a ser más larga, y las olas de calor más frecuentes, y todo ello incrementa la actividad de los incendios; pero ahora no entraremos en detalle en ello.

Además, hablar de condiciones o paisajes ‘más naturales’ es complicado por varias razones. ¿Cuanto hacia atrás en el tiempo son esas condiciones ‘más naturales’? Los humanos han poblado la Península ibérica desde hace muchos años, modificando las igniciones, cambiando la estructura de la vegetación, así como la cantidad y tipo de herbívoros. Esto ha llevado a continuos cambios en la cantidad y continuidad del combustible y en el régimen (frecuencia, intensidad, y estacionalidad) de incendios. Y si nos vamos a periodos antes de los humanos, tanto el clima como la cantidad y tamaño de los herbívoros (también consumidores de biomasa, como el fuego) era bastante diferente. Por lo tanto, lo importante no es si el régimen de incendios actual es ‘natural’ o no. Lo importante es si el régimen de incendios actual y futuro es ecológica y socialmente sostenible, considerando el cambio climático. Eliminar los incendios es imposible, antinatural y ecológicamente insostenible. Nuestra sociedad ha de aceptar la existencia de incendios, aprender a convivir con ellos, adaptar las estructuras y los comportamientos, y gestionar las zonas semi-urbanas y los paisajes rurales para que el régimen de incendios sea ecológica y socialmente sostenible. Esto incluye gestionar y planear la zonas semi-urbanas, la plantaciones forestales, y los parques naturales, pensando que lo normal es que un día les llegue un incendio.

Todo esto y más en: ‘Incendios forestales’ Ed. CSIC-Catarata.

[Actualización 30/7/2017] Un ejemplo: La sierra de los rayos. El País, 30 Julio 2017

Homage to Louis Trabaud

June 6th, 2017 No comments

Louis Trabaud (born in Montpellier, 2nd Feb. 1937) has recently passed away (Collioure, 16th April 2017). He was a research on plant ecology at Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (CEFE) of the CNRS, France. He was a pioneer of fire ecology in the Mediterranean Basin and set the basis of this topic for the region; he was especially influential to the fire ecologist of Spain (including me), and was awarded Professor Honoris Causa by the Univeristy of León (Spain) [1]. He was also award in France as Chevalier du Mérite Agricole (Order of Agricultural Merit). As a person, Louis Trabaud was very kind and always happy to help any student.

His research was especially focused on mediterranean shrublands around Montpellier (garrigue), i.e., shublands dominated by Quercus coccifera, Cistus species, Rosmarinus officinalis, Fumana species, etc… sometimes with an overstory of Pinus halepensis. He performed the first fire experiments in the Mediterranean region to study the regeneration of these shrublands, where he recurrently burned them in different seasons to demonstrate their high resilience. He also performed the first studies in the Mediterranean Basin on heat-stimulated germination and on flammability traits. He produced many papers, some in French (the most earlier ones) and others in English, and also wrote or edited some books. The full Trabaud’s publications list (books and scientific papers) is available here.

Louis Trabaud, together with his friend Roger Prodon, organized the International Workshop on Fire Ecology in Banyuls-sur-Mer (south of France) in the years 1992, 1997, 2001; these workshops were key in building the knowledge on fire ecology for the region; they were the meeting point for all mediterranean fire ecologist; we all met there for the first time and we all have very good memories from those meetings.

Participants of the 2001 Banyuls meeting organized by Louis Trabaud (in the middle, with glasses and a pale sweater) and Roger Prodon (second from the right).


[1] Texto en memoria de Louis Trabaud, por la Universidad de León (in Spanish)


Incendios y biodiversidad

May 31st, 2017 No comments

El 12 de Mayo de 2017 impartí una charla titulada Incendios forestales y biodiversidad en el IVIA (Valencia), en la que expliqué las principales adaptaciones de las plantas mediterráneas a los incendios, y cómo estudiamos esas adaptaciones en el marco de la ecología del fuego. La conclusión es que el fuego explica una parte de la biodiversidad de nuestros ecosistemas. La charla tuvo cierto impacto en los medios (enlace). Aquí podéis ver la charla integra así como la discusión posterior:

También disponible en la web del IVIA, GV

Más información: | @jgpausas | Incendios forestalesFire and diversity at the global scale | Fire adaptations in Mediterranean basin plants | Evolutionary fire ecology in pines | Ulex born to burn (II) | Serotiny|

Pinus brutia

April 19th, 2017 No comments

Pinus halepensis is a strongly serotinous pine [1,2] occurring mainly in the western part of the Mediterranean Basin (especially in Spain; see map below). The most phylogenetically closely related species to P. halepensis is Pinus brutia that occurs in the eastern Mediterranean Basin (mainly in Turkey). P. brutia is called ‘red pine’ in Turkish (Kızıl çam) because sometimes the upper part of the trunk is reddish (as in P. sylvestris); the leaves are pale green as in P. halepensis. In relation to their fire response strategy [3], the main differences between the two species are that P. brutia is taller, the bark is thicker and the serotiny level is lower. Our observations suggest that P. brutia have relatively few serotinous cones, and most of then are less than 4 years old; P. halepensis have a higher proportion of serotinous cones, with many of them over 5 year old (and some more than 20 year old) [1].

Distribution maps of P. halepensis and P. brutia (from Wikipedia)

Pinus brutia forest, serotinous cones (2 serotinous and one non-serotinous (open)), and an example of a bark of more than 5 cm thick (the gaude was too short!). Photos from SW Turkey (by JG Pausas). For an example of serotinous cones in P. halepensis, see here.


[1] Hernandez-Serrano A., Verdú M., González-Martínez S.C., Pausas J.G. 2013. Fire structures pine serotiny at different scales. Am. J. Bot. 100: 2349-2356. [doi | pdf | supp.]

[2] Castellanos, M.C., González-Martínez, S. & Pausas, J.G. 2015. Field heritability of a plant adaptation to fire in heterogeneous landscapes. Mol. Ecol. 24, 5633-5642. [doi | pdf | suppl. | blog]

[3] Pausas, J.G. 2015. Evolutionary fire ecology: lessons learned from pines. Trends Pl. Sci. 20: 318-324. [doi | pdf | blog]

Eastern Mediterranean tour, 2017

April 18th, 2017 No comments

It is a pleasure to visit the different ecosystems of Lebanon and Turkey, and to meet old students and colleagues.

Cedar (Cedrus libani) forest, Al Shouf Biosphere Reserve, Lebanon

Anatolian steppe (bushes are Astragalus), central Turkey

Pinus brutia forest, SW Turkey


February 6th, 2017 1 comment

The XIV International Conference on Mediterranean Ecosystems (MEDECOS), has been successfully held on Sevilla, Spain, 31st Jan – 4th Feb, 2017, together with the conference of the Spanish Society of Terrestrial Ecology (AEET). For details, see the web page of the meeting and the post conference comments in the J. Ecol. blog. My contributions to this MEDECOS include two talks on fire and biotic interactions, two on resprouting, and one on fire hazard:

  • Pausas J.G – Fire and biotic interactions: the benefits of the disruption
  • García Y., Castellanos M.C., Pausas J.G. – Fires do not jeopardize reproduction of Chamaerops humilis despite disrupting its pollination
  • Tavsanoglu C. & Pausas J.G. – Resprouting ability encapsulates the most functional variability in the Mediterranean Basin flora
  • Paula, S. & Pausas J.G – Worldwide geographic and phylogenetic distribution of lignotubers
  • Cáceres M. de, Casals P., Álvarez D., Pausas J.G., Vayreda J., Beltrán M. – The role of understory fuel characteristics in the fire hazard of Mediterranean forests

The last day I attended to the field trip to Los Alcornocales Natural Park (a mosaic of cork oak forests and heathlands), where I enjoyed a long conversation on alternative vegetation states in non-tropical ecosystems (e.g., PDF) with William Bond (photo below).

Thank you very much to the organizers of MEDECOS, especially to Juan Arroyo (Universidad de Sevilla) and Montse Vilà (Doñana-CSIC) for this nice and smooth conference.


William Bond (left) and myself (right) in a Cork oak forest (photo: F. Ojeda)


November 17th, 2015 1 comment

Lignotubers are swollen woody structures located at the root-shoot transition zone of some plants; they contain numerous dormant buds and starch reserves [1]. They are ontogenetically programmed, that is, they are not the product of repeated disturbances; and thus they can be observed at very early stages of the plant development (other types of basal burls may be a response to multiple disturbances). Lignotubers enables the plant to resprout prolifically after severe disturbances that remove the aboveground biomass, thus they are considered adaptive in fire-prone ecosystems [2]. Lignotubers are not well-known in many floras because they are often below-ground (i.e., detected only after excavation) and because they are often confused by other non-ontogenetically determined basal burls; thus some reports of lignotubers in the literature are mistakes. In a recent review [1] we provide examples of species with a clear evidence of lignotubers in the Mediterranean basin, together with detailed morphological and anatomical description of lignotubers in saplings. The species with lignotuebers in the Mediterranean basin include many Erica species (e.g. E. arborea, E. scoparia, E. australis, E. lusitanica, E. multiflora), the two Arbutus species (A. unedo, A. andrachne), Rhododendron ponticum, Viburnum tinus, Phillyera angustifolia, Quercus suber (not obvious macroscopically!), Tetraclinis articulata and Juniperus oxycedrus (but not in all populations!). Please let me know (email address here) if you know of other Mediterranean basin species with lignotubers! Thanks

Figures: Examples of lignotubers for Mediterranean basin species. A Juniperus oxycedrus (resprouting after fire). B Viburnum tinus. C Arbutus unedo. D Quercus suber (not a clear basal swelling). E Olea europaea. F Phillyrea angustifolia (adult), G Phillyrea angustifolia (saplings). In many species (e.g., V. tinus, A. unedo and P. angustifolia) the lignotuber is only evident after excavating the root-shoot transition zone.


[1] Paula S., Naulin P.I., Arce C., Galaz C. & Pausas J.G. 2016. Lignotubers in Mediterranean basin plants. Plant Ecology  [doi | pdf | suppl.]

[2] Keeley J.E., Pausas J.G., Rundel P.W., Bond W.J., Bradstock R.A. 2011. Fire as an evolutionary pressure shaping plant traits. Trends Plant Sci. 16: 406-411.  [doi | sciencedirect | pdf | For managers]


Flammable organic compounds: Rosmarinus officinalis

October 2nd, 2015 No comments

Given an ignition source and the right environmental conditions, all plants can potentially burn. However, some plants have characteristics that make them burn more easily. The capacity to store volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as aromatic terpenes, can be considered one of these flammability-enhancing traits (flammable organic compounds, FOCs), as has now been demonstrated for Rosmarinus officinalis [1]: The more terpenes in the leaves, the more quickly they ignite (i.e., less time to ignition) (Figure below). Other species enhance flammability by having a very fine fuel, retaining dead fuel or having a flammable canopy structure [2-5]. There is growing evidence that flammability-enhancing traits are adaptive in Mediterranean fire-prone ecosystems [2-4]. To what extent the evolutionary pressure exerted by fire could have contributed to the abundance of aromatic plants in many fire-prone ecosystems (mints, rosemary, thyme, eucalypts, etc…) remains unknown. But certainly Mediterranean ecosystems are probably the most aromatic and among the most flammable ecosystems in the world.

Figure: relation between time to ignition (given a heat source, corrected by the differences in moisture) and the contents of terpenes (here the sum of camphene, para-cymene, borneol, limonene) in leaves of a wild population of rosmary (Rosmarinus officinalis), in Eastern Spain (from [1]). The top right corner shows the epiraditor, the device for  testing for time-to-ignition (see [2]).

[1] Pausas J.G., Alessio G.A., Moreira B., Segarra-Moragues J.G. (in press). Secondary compounds enhance flammability in a Mediterranean plant. Oecologia. [doi | pdf]

[2] Pausas J.G., Alessio G., Moreira B. & Corcobado G. 2012. Fires enhance flammability in Ulex parviflorus. New Phytologist 193: 18-23. [doi | wiley | pdf] [Ulex born to burn]

[3] Pausas J.G. & Moreira B. 2012. Flammability as a biological concept. New Phytologist 194: 610-613. [doi | wiley | pdf

[4] Moreira B., Castellanos M.C., Pausas J.G. 2014. Genetic component of flammability variation in a Mediterranean shrub. Molecular Ecology 23: 1213-1223. [doi | pdf] [Ulex born to burn (II)]

[5] Pausas, J.G. 2015. Evolutionary fire ecology: lessons learned from pines. Trends  Plant Sci. 20(5): 318-324. [doi | sciencedirect | cell | pdf]


Fire adaptations in Mediterranean Basin plants

September 7th, 2015 No comments

Few days ago a botanist colleague ask me whether there were some fire adaptations in the plants of the Mediterranean Basin, similar to those reported in other mediterraenan-climate regions. So I realised that researchers working on other topics may not be aware of the recent advances in this area. Here is my brief answer, i.e., some examples of species growing in Spain that show fire adaptations; this is by no means an exhaustive list, but a few examples of common species for illustrative purpose. You can find a description of these adaptations and further examples elsewhere [1, 2, 3, 4]. It is also important to note that plants are not adapted to fire per se, but to specific fire regimes, and thus some adaptations my provide persistence to some fire regimes but not to all [1]. That is, species that exhibit traits that are adaptive under a particular fire regime can be threatened when that regime changes.

  • Serotiny (canopy seed storage): Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinaster, with variability in serotiny driven by different fire regimes [5, 6]
  • Fire-stimulated germination: There are examples of heat-stimulated germination, like many Cistaceae (e.g., Cistus, Fumana [7, 8]) and many Fabaceae (e.g., Ulex parviflorus, Anthyllis cytisoides [7, 8]), as well as examples of smoke-stimulated germination like many Lamiaceae (e.g., Rosmarinus officinalis, Lavandula latifolia [7]) or Coris monspeliensis (Primulaceae [7]). There are also examples of species with smoke-stimulated seedling growth (Lavandula latifolia [7])
  • Resprouting from lignotubers: Arbutus unedo, Phillyrea angustifolia, Juniperus oxycedrus, many Erica species (e.g., E. multiflora, E. arborea, E. scoparia, E. australis) [4, 17]
  • Epicormic resprouting: Quercus suber [9, 10], Pinus canariensis [4]
  • Fire-stimulated flowering: Some monocots like species of Asphodelus, Iris, Narcissus [11, 12]
  • Enhanced flammability: Ulex parviflorus shows variability of flammability driven by different fire regimes [13] and under genetic control [14]. Many Lamiaceae species have volatile organic compounds that enhance flammability (e.g., Rosmarinus officinalis [16]).
  • Thick bark and self-pruning (in understory fires): Pinus nigra [3,15]




[1] Keeley et al. 2011. Fire as an evolutionary pressure shaping plant traits. Trends Plant Sci 16:406-411. [doi | pdf]

[2] Keeley et al. 2012. Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press. [book]

[3] Pausas JG. 2012. Incendios forestales. Catarata-CSIC. [book]

[4] Paula et al. 2009. Fire-related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin. Ecology 90:1420-1420. [doi | pdf | BROT database]

[5] Hernández-Serrano et al. 2013. Fire structures pine serotiny at different scales. Am J Bot 100:2349-2356. [doi | pdf]

[6] Hernández-Serrano et al. 2014. Heritability and quantitative genetic divergence of serotiny, a fire persistence plant trait. Ann Bot 114:571-577. [doi | pdf]

[7] Moreira et al. 2010. Disentangling the role of heat and smoke as germination cues in Mediterranean Basin flora. Ann Bot 105:627-635. [doi | pdf]

[8] Moreira B and Pausas JG. 2012. Tanned or Burned: the role of fire in shaping physical seed dormancy. PLoS ONE 7:e51523. [doi | plos | pdf]

[9] Pausas JG. 1997. Resprouting of Quercus suber in NE Spain after fire. J Veget Sci 8:703-706. [doi | pdf]

[10] Catry et al. 2012. Cork oak vulnerability to fire: the role of bark harvesting, tree characteristics and abiotic factors. PLoS ONE 7:e39810. [doi | pdf ]

[11] Postfire flowering: 2 May 2015

[12] Postfire blooming of Asphodelous, 5 Apr 2014

[13] Pausas et al. 2012. Fires enhance flammability in Ulex parviflorus. New Phytol 193:18-23. [doi | pdf]

[14] Moreira et al. 2014. Genetic component of flammability variation in a Mediterranean shrub. Mol Ecol 23:1213-1223. [doi | pdf]

[15] He et al. 2012. Fire-adapted traits of Pinus arose in the fiery Cretaceous. New Phytol 194:751-759. [doi | pdf | picture]

[16] Flammable organic compounds: Rosmarinus officinalis, 2-Oct-2015

[17] Paula et al. 2016. Lignotubers in Mediterranean basin plants. Plant Ecology [doi | pdf | suppl. | blog]


How plants survive the harsh environment of Australia

June 1st, 2015 No comments

New book: Groom, P. K., and Lamont, B. B. (2015). Plant Life of Southwestern Australia. Adaptations for Survival. De Gruyter Open

Early explorers described Western Australia as ‘the most barren spot on the face of the earth’. In this book we learn that south-western Australia is one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots – not despite but because of its harsh environment. Nutrient-poor soils, frequent droughts, and recurrent fires, together with adverse fauna interactions (e.g., strong-billed cockatoos, voracious kangaroos, and the lack of efficient pollinating bees and hummingbirds) have made this region the perfect evolutionary scenario for developing a plethora of plant adaptations and assembling an hyperdiverse flora. The authors nicely describe this scenario and offer an impressive wealth of knowledge on the natural history of the region in an attractive book with abundant tables and quality full-colour pictures. One of the strengths of the book is that it brings together both biotic and abiotic factors to explain biodiversity, something uncommon in most specialised books.

Overall this is a must-read book for Australian naturalists but will also be a key reference for international ecologists interested in how plants thrive and evolve in dry, nutrient-poor, fire-prone environments. The lessons learned from this region help us understand evolutionary pathways in other dry regions worldwide.


Ecology and evolution in fire-prone ecosystems

February 28th, 2015 2 comments

During the last years I’ve been working in many topics related to fire ecology and plant evolution in ecosystems subject to recurrent fires (mainly mediterranean and savanna ecosystems). Because I believe knowledge should be spread around easily, I make my results available to the public in my web page (see publications list) and in this blog. However, having the cumulative list of paper published each year is not very convenient for people searching for a specific topic. For this reason, I’m rearranging most of my articles by topics as follows:

1. Fire history
2. Fire regime: climate & fuel
3. Fire traits (resprouting, postfire germination, serotiny, bark thickness, flammability, data & methods)
4. Fire & plant strategies (in Mediterranean ecosystems, in pines, in savannas, community assembly)
5. Fire & evolution
6. Some fire-adapted species (Pinus halepensis, Quercus suber, Ulex parviflorus)
7. Fire & vegetation modelling
8. Plant-animal interactions
9. Restoration & conservation

See: fire-ecology-evolution.html

Some papers may be repeated if they clearly fit in more than one topic; some papers, mainly old ones, do not fit well in any of these topics and have not been included (at least at the moment), they still can be found in the section of publications sorted by year. I’m still working on this rearrangement, so some modifications are possible; and any comment is welcome.
I hope this is useful for somebody!

Publications: by year | by topic | books


Cultural trees: Cupressus sempervirens

January 4th, 2015 3 comments


Cupressus sempervirens (Mediterranean cypress; ciprés) and Colosseum, Rome,
1 January 2015 (photo: J.G. Pausas)

Evolutionary ecology of resprouting and seeding

July 15th, 2014 No comments

There are two broad mechanisms by which plant populations persist under recurrent fires: resprouting from surviving tissues, and seedling recruitment [1]. Species that live in fire-prone ecosystems can have one of these mechanisms or both [1]. In a recent review paper [2], we propose a model suggesting that changes in evolutionary pressures that modify adult (P) and juvenile (C) survival in postfire conditions (Fig. 1 below) determine the long-term success of each of the two regeneration mechanisms, and thus the postfire regeneration strategy: obligate resprouters, facultative species and obligate seeders (Fig. 2). Specifically we propose the following three hypotheses: 1) resprouting appeared early in plant evolution as a response to disturbance, and fire was an important driver in many lineages; 2) postfire seeding evolved under conditions where fires were predictable within the life span of the dominant plants and created conditions unfavorable for resprouting; and 3) the intensification of conditions favoring juvenile survival (C) and adult mortality (P) drove the loss of resprouting ability with the consequence of obligate-seeding species becoming entirely dependent on fire to complete their life cycle, with one generation per fire interval (monopyric life cyle). This approach provides a framework for understanding temporal and spatial variation in resprouting and seeding under crown-fire regimes. It accounts for patterns of coexistence and environmental changes that contribute to the evolution of seeding from resprouting ancestors. In this review, we also provide definitions and details of the main concepts used in evolutionary fire ecology: postfire regeneration traits, postfire strategies, life cycle in relation to fire, fire regimes (Box 1), costs of resprouting (Box 2), postfire seeding mechanisms (Box 3), and the possible evolutionary transitions (Box 4).


Fig. 1 : Main factors affecting adult and offspring seedling survival (P and C, respectively), and thus the P/C ratio, in fire-prone ecosystems (from Pausas & Keeley 2014 [2]).



Fig. 2: The changes in the probability of resprouting along an adult-to-offspring survival (P/C) gradient are not linear but show two turning points related to the acquisition of key innovations: the capacity to store a fire-resistant seed bank (postfire seeding), and the loss of resprouting capacity. Changes in P/C ratio may be produced by different drivers (Fig. 1) which drove the rise of innovations during evolution, e.g., during the increasing aridity from the Tertiary to the Quaternary (from Pausas & Keeley 2014 [2]).



[1] Pausas, J.G., Bradstock, R.A., Keith, D.A., Keeley, J.E. 2004. Plant functional traits in relation to fire in crown-fire ecosystems. Ecology 85: 1085-1100. [doi | pdf | esa | jstor]

[2] Pausas J.G. & Keeley J.E. 2014. Evolutionary ecology of resprouting and seeding in fire-prone ecosystems. New Phytologist 204: 55-65 [doi | wiley | pdf]


Ulex born to burn (II): genetic basis of plant flammability

January 25th, 2014 No comments

In an previous study we found that Ulex parviflorus (Fabaceae) populations that inhabit in recurrently burn areas (HiFi populations) were more flammable than populations of this species growing in old-fields where the recruitment was independent of fire (NoFi populations) [1,2, 3]. That is, HiFi plants ignited quicker, burn slower, released more heat and had higher bulk density than NoFi plants. Thus, it appeared that repeated fires selected for individuals with higher flammability, and thus driving trait divergence among populations living in different fire regimes. These results were based on the study of plant flammability (phenotypic variability) without knowing whether plant flammability was genetically controlled. In a recent study using the same individuals [4], we show that phenotypic variability in flammability was correlated to genetic variability (estimated using AFLP loci) [figure below]. This result provide the first field evidence supporting that traits enhancing plant flammability have a genetic component and thus can be responding to natural selection driven by fire [5]. These results highlight the importance of flammability as an adaptive trait in fire-prone ecosystems.


Figure: Relationship between flammability and genotypic variability at individual level in Ulex parviflorus (red symbols: individuals in HiFi populations; green symbols: individuals in NoFi populations). Variations in flammability are described using the first axis of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA1) performed from different flammability traits, and genetic variability is described using the first axis of a Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCo1) from the set of AFPL loci that were significantly related to flammability. See details in [4].

[1] Ulex born to burn,, 9/Nov/2011

[2] Pausas J.G., Alessio G., Moreira B., Corcobado G. 2012. Fires enhance flammability in Ulex parviflorusNew Phytologist 193:18-23 [doi | wiley | pdf]

[3] Pausas J.G. & Moreira B. 2012. Flammability as a biological concept. New Phytologist 194: 610-613.  [doi | wiley | pdf]

[4] Moreira B., Castellanos M.C., Pausas J.G. 2014. Genetic component of flammability variation in a Mediterranean shrub. Molecular Ecology 23: 1213-1223 [doi | pdf | data:dryad]

[5] Keeley J.E., Pausas J.G., Rundel P.W., Bond W.J., Bradstock R.A. 2011. Fire as an evolutionary pressure shaping plant traits. Trends in Plant Science 16: 406-411. [doi | trends | pdf]



November 16th, 2013 No comments

Serotiny is the delayed seed release for more than a year by retaining the seeds in a woody structure [1]. This implies an accumulation of a canopy seed bank. Serotiny confer fitness benefits in environments with frequent crown-fires, as the heat opens the cones and seeds are dispersed in the post-fire bed which is rich in resource and the competition and predation are low. It is typical of many Proteaceae and some conifers, like some pine species [1, 2; figure below].

Two recent papers analyse the serotiny of two mediterranean pines Pinus halepensis and Pinus pinaster [3, 4]. P. halepensis show higher proportion of serotinous cones than P. pinaster, but the latter retain the cones for longer [3]. The two species show high variability of serotiny within and between populations, but they show a clear pattern of higher serotiny in populations subject to high frequency of crown-fires than those living in areas where crown-fires are rare or absent. This is true either considering serotiny as the proportion of serotinous cones or as the age of the cones stored. Compared with other pines worldwide, the strength of the fire-serotiny relationship in P. pinaster is intermediate, and in P. halepensis is among the highest known [3]. For P. halepensis (the species with higher % serotiny), populations in high fire recurrence regimes have higher fine-scale spatial aggregation of serotiny than those inhabiting low fire recurrence systems. This phenotypic spatial structure generated by fire could be a consequence of the spatial genetic structure of the population. The second study used genomic tools to search for a genetic association for serotiny [4]. The analysis of 384 SNPs of 199 individuals of P. pinaster (in 3 populations included in the previous study [3])  shows that 17 loci were associated with serotiny and explain all together ca. 29% of the serotiny variation found in the field. All these results adds further evidence to the emerging view that fire shapes intraspecific variability of traits and generates phenotypic divergence between populations [5, 6, 7].

Figure: Serotinous cones of Pinus pinaster (Foto: K.B. Budde)


[1] Keeley J.E., Bond W.J., Bradstock R.A., Pausas J.G. & Rundel P.W. 2012. Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems: Ecology, Evolution and Management. Cambridge University Press.  [The book]

[2] He T, Pausas JG, Belcher CM, Schwilk DW, Lamont BB. 2012. Fire-adapted traits of Pinus arose in the fiery Cretaceous. New Phytologist 194: 751-759. [doi | wiley | pdf (suppl.)]

[3] Hernández-Serrano A., Verdú M., González-Martínez S.C., Pausas J.G. 2013. Fire structures pine serotiny at different scales. American Journal of Botany 100: 2349-2356 [doi | amjbot | pdf | supp.]

[4] Budde, K. B., Heuertz, M., Hernández-Serrano, A., Pausas, J.G., Vendramin, G.G., Verdú, M. & González-Martínez, S.C. 2014. In situ genetic association for serotiny, a fire-related trait, in Mediterranean maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton). New Phytologist  201: 230-241 [doi | pdf]

[5] Keeley J.E., Pausas J.G., Rundel P.W., Bond W.J., Bradstock R.A. 2011. Fire as an evolutionary pressure shaping plant traits. Trends in Plant Science 16(8): 406-411. [doi] [trends] [pdf]

[6] Pausas, J. G., Schwilk, D. W. 2012. Fire and plant evolution. New Phytologist, 193:301-303. [doi | wiley | pdf]

[7] Pausas J.G., Alessio G., Moreira B. & Corcobado G. 2012. Fires enhance flammability in Ulex parviflorusNew Phytologist 193: 18-23. [doi | wiley | pdf]


Physiological differences between resprouters and seeders

November 9th, 2013 No comments

The ability to resprout and to recruit after fire are two extremely important traits for the persistence in fire-prone ecosystems [1,2], and they define three life histories: obligate resprouters, obligate seeders (non-resprouters), and facultative seeders. After a fire, obligate seeders die and recruit profusely from the seeds stored in the seed bank [3-5]. In contrast, resprouters survive after fire and their above-ground tissues regenerate from protected (often below-ground) buds by using stored carbohydrates [6]. Facultative seeders not only recruit profusely after fire, but are also able to resprout. In fact, seeders and resprouters have different regeneration niches: seedling regeneration of obligate resprouters is not linked to fire, and they recruit during the inter-fire period under sheltered conditions (i.e., under vegetation cover), while seedling regeneration of seeders occurs in open postfire environments. Given the marked difference in water availability between microsites under vegetation and microsites open to the sun under Mediterranean conditions, seedlings of resprouters and seeders are subjected to different water-stress conditions, and thus they are expected to have different physiological attributes. Despite these differences, resprouters and seeders co-exist, are often well-mixed on local and landscape scales [7,8], and represent the two main types of post-fire regeneration strategies in Mediterranean ecosystems [2].

A recent study demonstrates marked differences in physiological attributes between seedlings of seeders and resprouters [9]: Seeders show a range of physiological traits that better deal with water-limited and highly variable conditions (e.g., higher resistance to xylem cavitation, earlier stomatal closure with drought, higher leaf dehydration tolerance), but they are also capable of taking full advantage of periods with high water availability (greater efficiency in conducting water through the xylem to to sustain high gas exchange rates when water is available). Conversely, resprouter species are adapted to more stable water availability conditions, favoured by their deeper root system, but they also display traits that help them resist water shortages during long summers.

Previous studies already showed marked differences between seeders and resprouters in a range of attributes: resprouters tend to exhibit a deeper root-system, while seedling root structure of seeders are more efficient in exploring the upper soil layer [10]. Leaves of seeders show higher water use efficiency (WUE) and higher leaf mass per area (LMA; i.e., higher sclerophylly, lower SLA) [11]. Seeds of seeder species are more tolerant to heat shocks and have greater heat-stimulated germination [3]. All these differences support the idea that they are distinct syndromes with different functioning characteristics at the whole plant level and suggest that they undertook different evolutionary pathways [12].

Figure: Coexistence of resprouters (R+) and seeders (R-) in postfire conditions near Valencia, Spain. (Foto: A. Vilagrosa).



[1] Pausas, J.G., Bradstock, R.A., Keith, D.A., Keeley, J.E. & GCTE Fire Network. 2004. Plant functional traits in relation to fire in crown-fire ecosystems. Ecology 85: 1085-1100. [jstor |[pdf | Ecological Archives E085-029]

[2] Keeley J.E., Bond W.J., Bradstock R.A., Pausas J.G. & Rundel P.W. 2012. Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems: Ecology, Evolution and Management. Cambridge University Press. [The book]

[3] Paula S. & Pausas J.G. 2008. Burning seeds: Germinative response to heat treatments in relation to resprouting ability. Journal of Ecology 96 (3): 543 – 552. [doi | pdf]

[4] Moreira B., Tormo J., Estrelles E., Pausas J.G. 2010. Disentangling the role of heat and smoke as germination cues in Mediterranean Basin flora. Annals of Botany 105: 627-635. [doi | pdf | blog]

[5] Moreira B. & Pausas J.G. 2012. Tanned or burned: The role of fire in shaping physical seed dormancy. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51523. [doi | plos | pdf | blog]

[6] Moreira B., Tormo J, Pausas J.G. 2012. To resprout or not to resprout: factors driving intraspecific variability in resprouting. Oikos 121: 1577-1584. [doi | pdf]

[7] Verdú M, & Pausas JG 2007. Fire drives phylogenetic clustering in Mediterranean Basin woody plant communities Journal of Ecology 95 (6), 1316-323 [doi | pdf]

[8] Ojeda, F., Pausas, J.G., Verdú, M. 2010. Soil shapes community structure through fire. Oecologia 163:729-735. [doi | pdf | blog]

[9] Vilagrosa A., Hernández E.I., Luis V.C., Cochard H., Pausas, J.G. 2014. Physiological differences explain the co-existence of different regeneration strategies in Mediterranean ecosystems. New Phytologist 201 : xx-xx [doi | pdf | suppl.] – NEW

[10] Paula S. & Pausas J.G. 2011. Root traits explain different foraging strategies between resprouting life histories. Oecologia 165:321-331. [doi | pdf | blog]

[11] Paula S. & Pausas J.G. 2006. Leaf traits and resprouting ability in the Mediterranean basin. Functional Ecology 20: 941-947. [doi | pdf | blog]

[12] Verdú M. & Pausas J.G. 2013. Syndrome-driven diversification in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Evolution 67: 1756-1766. [doi | pdf | blog]


Mediterranean diversification and plant syndromes

January 21st, 2013 No comments

Woody plants of the Mediterranean Basin can be classified in two contrasted morpho-functional syndromes [1]: a) plants with sclerophyllous, evergreen leaves and small, unisexual greenish or brownish flowers with a reduced perianth, and large seeds dispersed by vertebrates; and b) plants with alternative character states (non-sclerophyllous deciduous, semi-deciduous or summer deciduous species with large and conspicuous flowers pollinated by insects, and small seeds). The sclerophyllous syndrorme (a) occurs in clades whose characteristics pre-date the appearance of the mediterranean climate while the non-sclerophyllous syndrome (b) arose in clades that have evolved after the emergence of this distinctive climate (Tertiary – Quaternary transition).

A recent phylogenetic study [2] show that during the time with prevalent mediterranean climate, lineages with the non-sclefophyllous syndrome showed a higher speciation rate than the sclerophyllous lineages, suggesting that a syndrome-driven local diversification has occurred in shrublands under mediterranean conditions. The processes behind this result might be divers, but fire might had an important role. The rise of mediterranean climate increased fire activity [3] and traits defining these two syndromes are related to post-fire regeneration traits and to the age to maturity [4,5]. The non-sclerophyllous syndrome is associated with species considered post-fire seeders (i.e., killed by fire in which populations regenerate from a persistent seed bank; fire-stimulated germination [6,7]) and to species with early maturation. In fire-prone ecosystems, these characteristics reduce the generation time and the overlap between generations and thus they provide more opportunities for diversification.

Overall, the results provide an example of how the integration of the environmental filter in a dated phylogeny may recreate the local history of lineages and help to explain assembly processes in mediterranean ecosystems.

Figure: Frequency distribution of differences in local speciation rate (λ) between non-sclerophyllous (n) and sclerophyllous (s) syndromes in the Valencia woody flora for 3 different post cut temporal slices (cutoff of 10, 6, and 3.6 My) related to the increasing aridity associated with the rise of mediterranean climate. For all alternative phylogenies (i.e., accounting for the undertainity in node age), speciation rate of the non-sclerophyllous syndrome is greater than for the sclerophyllous one. See Verdú & Pausas (2013) for details [2].

[1] Herrera, CM. 1992. Historical effects and sorting processes as explanations for contemporary ecological patterns: character syndromes in Mediterranean woody plants. Am. Nat. 140:421-446.

[2] Verdú M. & Pausas J.G. 2013. Syndrome-driven diversification in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Evolution. [doi | pdf]

[3] Keeley JE., Bond WJ., Bradstock RA., Pausas JG. & Rundel PW. 2012. Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems: Ecology, Evolution and Management. Cambridge University Press [the book]

[4] Pausas, J.G., Bradstock, R.A., Keith, D.A., Keeley, J.E. & GCTE Fire Network. 2004. Plant functional traits in relation to fire in crown-fire ecosystems. Ecology 85: 1085-1100. [pdf | jstor]

[5] Pausas J.G. & Verdú M. 2005. Plant persistence traits in fire-prone ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin: A phylogenetic approach. Oikos 109: 196-202. [doi| pdf]

[6] Moreira B., Tormo J., Estrelles E., Pausas J.G. 2010. Disentangling the role of heat and smoke as germination cues in Mediterranean Basin flora. Annals of Botany 105: 627-635. [doi| pdf]

[7] Moreira B. & Pausas J.G. 2012. Tanned or burned: The role of fire in shaping physical seed dormancy. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51523.  [doi | plos | pdf]