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Marmaris postfire regeneration

December 5th, 2021 Leave a comment Go to comments

During last summer, over 170,000 ha burnt in Turkey. One of these fires was the Marmaris fire, a fire of about 12,500 ha in SW of the country. The area includes part of the Marmaris National Park and an Special Environmental Protection Area. Most of the area were covered by Pinus brutia forests, a Mediterranean pine that has some serotinous cones.

Four months after the Marmaris fire, I visited the area together with Çagatay Tavsanoglu. Some plants were resprouting and some geophytes flowering (Cyclamen, Arisarum). Pine seedlings had started to germinate; there were also many other seedlings but still too small to identify them (e.g., Cistus species). Below are a few examples of plants that were regenerating after the fire (click on the photos to enlarge them).


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